列表理解递归 [Haskell]

List Comprehension to Recursion [Haskell]

我有以下函数,它用 Int 输入划分 Maybes 列表。

divideList :: Int -> [Maybe Int] -> [Maybe Double]

 divideList 100 [Just 5, Just 4, Nothing]   == [Just 20, Just 25.0, Nothing]

提醒一下,Maybe 数据类型定义如下:

 data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a


divideList m xs = [ div2 x | x <- xs]
        div2 (Just n) | n > 0   = Just (fromIntegral m / fromIntegral n)
        div2 _                  = Nothing



divideList m xs = div2  x 
        div2 (Just x) | x > 0   = Just (fromIntegral m / fromIntegral x)
        div2 _                  = Nothing


  1. 先单独定义除法函数

    div3 :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Double
    div3 i (Just n) | n > 0 = Just (fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n)
    div3 i _                = Nothing
  2. 然后,对于列表中的每个项目,调用 div3 并将其与递归调用 divideList 的结果连接起来,就像这样

    divideList :: Int -> [Maybe Int] -> [Maybe Double]
    divideList _ [] = []
    divideList m (x:xs) = (div3 m x):(divideList m xs)


divideList _ [] = []


我一直建议的是:不要 像您尝试做的那样编写直接递归解决方案。它们不是惯用的,更难阅读,而且一旦你做任何复杂的事情,它们就会变得很难写。

相反,弄清楚如何使用 mapfilter 等标准库函数编写您的解决方案。然后,作为练习,编写您自己的这些库函数版本。在这种情况下:

divideList m xs = map div2 xs
        div2 (Just n) | n > 0   = Just (fromIntegral m / fromIntegral n)
        div2 _                  = Nothing

-- Apply the function `f` to each element of the list, returning a list of the results,
-- in the order of the corresponding arguments.
map f []     = _   -- Fill me in
map f (x:xs) = _   -- Fill me in

我建议先写一个函数来除两个整数。它必须 return 一个 Maybe Double,因为计算并不总是可行的。

div2 m n = if n <= 0 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral m / fromIntegral n)

然后你只需要将这个函数应用到列表的每个元素,这可以用map来完成。但是,由于 Maybe 中的数字是 "hidden",您可以使用函数 (>>=) 来 "unwrap" 它(当它不是 Nothing 时,它保持 Nothing,如我们所愿)。

divideList m xs = map (>>= div2 m) xs


divideList m = map (>>= div2 m)