Amazon Lex 不支持数字输入

Numeric Input Unsupporetd Amazon Lex

在使用语句 99110 创建新意图时,出现以下错误

"1099" in utterance "1099" for intent "numericTest" contains an unsupported character or word. An utterance can consist only of Unicode characters, spaces, and valid punctuation marks. Valid punctuation marks are: periods for abbreviations, underscores, apostrophes, and hyphens. If there is a slot placeholder in your utterance ensure, that it's in the {slotName} format and has spaces at both ends.

lex 不会将此发送到 lambda 实例,因为它无法评估意图。如果我得到输入,我可以在 lambda 处处理输入,但是 lex 只是 returns a "Sorry, I didn't understand that."

如何将此数字输入我的 lambda 实例,或者如何让 lex 识别此数字?

文档说使用 amazon.NUMBER 内置 intent,但它不再存在了。


您可以编写 "one oh nine nine" 或 "one zero nine nine" 而不是字面上将“1099”作为话语,如果用户键入“1099”作为文本或说出来,它就会起作用。