sqlite-net-pcl 中的 InsertAll 和 UpdateAll VS SQLite.Net-PCL 中的 InsertOrReplaceAll

InsertAll & UpdateAll in sqlite-net-pcl VS InsertOrReplaceAll in SQLite.Net-PCL

我想删除SQLite.Net-PCL package and want to use sqlite-net-pcl因为我后来发现SQLite.Net-PCL没有正式维护

我的 Xamarin 项目中有一些表将 GUID 存储为字符串类型的主键。我有来自服务器的记录列表,目前使用 InsertOrReplaceAll 方法根据我的 GUID 主键一次性插入新记录和更新现有记录。

现在,sqlite-net-pcl 没有 InsertOrReplaceAll 方法,而只有 InsertAllUpdateAll 方法。 Microsoft msdn Link 表示检查主键是否具有可用值,并根据该值决定是否必须插入或更新记录。

但是,我遇到这样一种情况,在插入或更新对象之前,主键值总是预先设置在 List 中,并且不想循环检查记录是否存在超过 500 条记录。



using (var conn = new DBConnectionService().GetConnection())
    List<ENTEmployee> employees = new List<ENTEmployee>()
        new ENTEmployee(){ Id = "b977ec04-3bd7-4691-b4eb-ef47ed6796fd", FullName = "AAA BBB", Salary = 15000 },
        new ENTEmployee(){ Id = "c670a3e2-b13f-42b3-849c-fd792ebfd103", FullName = "BBB BBB", Salary = 16000 },
        new ENTEmployee(){ Id = "d961c33c-0244-48dc-8e10-f4f012386eb6", FullName = "CCC BBB", Salary = 17000 },
        new ENTEmployee(){ Id = "35be4508-ff93-4be8-983f-d4908bcc592d", FullName = "DDD BBB", Salary = 18000 },
        new ENTEmployee(){ Id = "0875549c-d06c-4983-b89a-edf81b6aa70d", FullName = "EEE BBB", Salary = 19000 },

    var insertResult = conn.InsertAll(employees);

    //Updated Record
    employees[0].FullName = "AAA Updated";
    employees[0].Salary = 12300;

    //New Records
    employees.Add(new ENTEmployee() { Id = "87f48ecf-715c-4327-9ef3-11712ba4a120", FullName = "FFF BBB", Salary = 20000 });
    employees.Add(new ENTEmployee() { Id = "85f53888-b1e9-460c-8d79-88010f143bcf", FullName = "GGG BBB", Salary = 21000 });

    //Now here, 
    //How to decide which records to be inserted and which records to be updated for List employees?

How to Insert Or Replace all my records at once in this case?


  1. 遍历您的记录列表并对列表中的每个对象使用 conn.InsertOrReplace(object)

    for(ENTEmployee emp in employees) { conn.InsertOrReplace(雇员); }

  2. 使用Sql命令插入或替换记录(需要您构造命令字符串):

    string cmd = @"insert or replace into employ(id,FullName,salary) 
                  values('c670a3e2-b13f-42b3-849c-fd792ebfd103', 'fullname1',32),
                        ('d961c33c-0244-48dc-8e10-f4f012386eb6', 'fullname2',23);";

我实现了一个与他们的实现类似的扩展方法。您可以将其与 SQLite.Net-PCL project.

static public class SQLiteConnectionExtensions
    /// <summary>
    ///     Inserts all specified objects.
    ///     For each insertion, if a UNIQUE
    ///     constraint violation occurs with
    ///     some pre-existing object, this function
    ///     deletes the old object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="objects">
    ///     An <see cref="IEnumerable" /> of the objects to insert or replace.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    ///     The total number of rows modified.
    /// </returns>
    static public int InsertOrReplaceAll(this SQLiteConnection connection, IEnumerable objects, bool runInTransaction = true)
        var c = 0;
        if (objects == null)
            return c;

        if (runInTransaction)
            connection.RunInTransaction(() =>
                foreach (var r in objects)
                    c += connection.Insert(r, "OR REPLACE", Orm.GetType(r));
            foreach (var r in objects)
                c += connection.Insert(r, "OR REPLACE", Orm.GetType(r));

        return c;

刚刚对 4 种不同的方式进行了基准测试来更新许多项目:

上下文:更新包含 5000 个项目的产品(每个对象有 7 个属性)数据库。

  1. 在 foreach 循环中使用 exists(通过 PK 上的 countasync)、insertasync 和 updateasync:大约 30 秒
  2. 使用 foreach 循环和 InsertOrReplaceAsync:大约 2 分钟
  3. 使用@Genfood 提出的扩展:大约 92 毫秒
  4. 使用@Elvis Xia 建议的手动查询 - MSFT:大约 81 毫秒


public static class SqliteExtensions
    static async public Task<int> InsertOrReplaceAll(this SQLiteAsyncConnection connection, IEnumerable objects, bool runInTransaction = true)
        var c = 0;
        if (objects == null)
            return c;

        if (runInTransaction)
            await connection.RunInTransactionAsync(nonAsyncConnection =>
                foreach (var r in objects)
                    c += nonAsyncConnection.Insert(r, "OR REPLACE", Orm.GetType(r));
            foreach (var r in objects)
                c += await connection.InsertAsync(r, "OR REPLACE", Orm.GetType(r));

        return c;