具有自定义异常的密码检查程序没有输出 Java

No Output for password checker with custom exception Java

我正在尝试制作一个程序来检查用户输入的密码。密码标准是它至少有 10 个字符,其中至少 1 个是数字,1 个是小写字母,1 个是大写字母。对于作业,我必须创建一个自定义异常 class,这是下面第一个。然后我必须在第二个 class 中创建一个方法来检查每个条件并使用正确的错误消息抛出异常。我已经尝试了几个小时,但由于某种原因,我的程序根本不会打印任何东西,我希望一双新的眼睛能帮助我指明正确的方向。我不是在寻找讲义,我只是对自定义异常的掌握非常薄弱(我已经阅读了 API 和我的 class 书,并且每天都去 class 所以它并不是说我没有尝试。)

public class PasswordException extends Exception {
    public PasswordException() {
    super("Invalid Password: ");


    public PasswordException(String problem) {
    super("Invalid: " + problem );

import java.util.Scanner;
public class passwordMaker{

    public static boolean validPassword(String passwordIn) throws PasswordException {
        boolean lengthCheck = false;
        boolean upperCheck = false;
        boolean lowerCheck = false;
        boolean digitCheck = false;
        boolean check = false;
        boolean keepGoing = true;
        String problem;

        for(int i=0;i<passwordIn.length();i++) // This loop tests string
             char s=passwordIn.charAt(i); // char s represents the index

           if(Character.isUpperCase(s)) // This verifies there is a uppercase letter
               upperCheck = true;
           if(Character.isLowerCase(s)) // This verifies there is a lowercase letter
           if(Character.isDigit(s)) // This verifies there is a digit
                digitCheck = true;

           if (passwordIn.length() >= 10) // This verifies the password is atleast 6 characters
           lengthCheck = true;


        do {
        //extracts problem 
        if (upperCheck == false) {
            problem  = "The password does not have an upper case letter.";
            keepGoing = false;
        else if (lowerCheck == false) {
            problem = "The password does not have a lower case letter.";
            keepGoing = false;
        else if (digitCheck == false) {
            problem = "The password does not have a digit.";
            keepGoing = false;
        else if (lengthCheck == false) {
            problem = "The password is not long enough";
            keepGoing = false;
        else {
            problem  = "nothing.";
            keepGoing = false;

          // Tests results of the loop
       if(upperCheck == true && lowerCheck == true && digitCheck == true && lengthCheck == true)

       if (check = true) {
           return true;
       else {
           throw new PasswordException("the password needs" + problem);


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.out.println("Enter a password.");
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

        String password = sc.next();

        try {

        catch (PasswordException e) {


我已经通过可视化工具 运行 尝试过它,但它会到达我应该输入内容的位置并显示 NoSuchElement 错误,而我的命令提示符则不会,它只是在我输入后不会显示任何消息密码。


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Enter a password.");
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

        String password = sc.next();

        try {
        } catch (PasswordException e) {

    static void validatePassword(String password) throws PasswordException {
        if (password.length() < 10) {
            throw new PasswordException("Password length is less than 10");

        boolean upperCheck = false;
        boolean lowerCheck = false;
        boolean digitCheck = false;
        for (char c : password.toCharArray()) {
            if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) // This verifies there is a uppercase letter
                upperCheck = true;

            if (Character.isLowerCase(c)) // This verifies there is a lowercase letter
                 lowerCheck = true;
            if (Character.isDigit(c)) // This verifies there is a digit
                  digitCheck = true;  

        if (!upperCheck) {
            throw new PasswordException("There must be an uppercase character");

        if (!lowerCheck) {
            throw new PasswordException ("There must be a lowercase character");

        if (!digitCheck) {
            throw new PasswordException ("There must a be a digit");

        System.out.println("Valid password.");

    static class PasswordException extends Exception {

        public PasswordException() {
            super("Invalid password");

        public PasswordException(String message) {
            super("Invalid password: " + message);