SBT 构建文件无法识别 "assembly"

SBT build file not recognizing "assembly"

我有一个 build.sbt 文件可以在 sbt 13.7 中正常工作。但是在 13.8 中它给了我一个 "type error in expression" 错误。它在这一行的开头抛出错误:

mergeStrategy in assembly <<= (mergeStrategy in assembly) { (old) =>
{ ...

如果我完全擦除 mergeStrategy 块,它会在这一行的开头给出相同的 "type error in expression":

jarName in assembly := "theBigServer.jar"

所以我假设 "assembly" 有问题。这应该在 13.8 中以不同方式处理吗?

这是完整的 build.sbt 文件:

organization  := "com.myco"
version       := "0.1"
scalaVersion  := "2.11.6"  
scalacOptions := Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8")

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "spray repo" at "",
  "Scalaz Bintray Repo" at ""     // for scalaz-stream
libraryDependencies ++= {
  val akkaV = "2.3.9"
  val sprayV = "1.3.2"
    "io.spray"            %%   "spray-can"     % sprayV,
    "io.spray"            %%   "spray-routing" % sprayV,
    "io.spray"            %%   "spray-testkit" % sprayV,
    "io.argonaut"         %%   "argonaut"      % "6.0.4",     
    "com.typesafe.akka"   %%   "akka-actor"    % akkaV,
    "com.typesafe.akka"   %%   "akka-testkit"  % akkaV,
    "com.github.nscala-time" %% "nscala-time"  % "1.8.0", 

    "commons-codec" % "commons-codec" % "1.10",
    "com.amazonaws" % "aws-java-sdk" % "1.9.25"      
seq(Revolver.settings: _*)

// put this in to eliminate deduplicate errors in sbt-assembly when making fat JAR
mergeStrategy in assembly <<= (mergeStrategy in assembly) { (old) =>
        case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps.last endsWith "ArgumentsProcessor.class" => MergeStrategy.first
        case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps.last endsWith "MatchersBinder.class" => MergeStrategy.first
        case "application.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat
        case "unwanted.txt"     => MergeStrategy.discard
        case x => old(x)

jarName in assembly := "theBigServer.jar"
mainClass in assembly := Some("servletRunner.Boot")

好的,已修复 - 问题似乎出在我安装 sbt 的方式上。我按照 的 manual installation instructions (which actually just specify unix, and I'd assumed held for linux too.) That caused the problems I was seeing above. I then uninstalled, and reinstalled via apt-get using their Debian instructions 将它安装到 linux mint 17 上,现在 sbt 工作正常。我没有再花时间尝试修复我的手动安装。也许有办法让它发挥作用。不知道。