Scala 编程:将 if else 序列转换为 map 流的规范方法

Scala Programming: Canonical way to convert a sequence of if else into a flow of map

Scala(或 FP)中适应复杂链式 if...then... 语句的首选规范方法是什么?例如(元代码):

def fetchLastOrderFor(CustomerId:UUID)= {
    fetch Customer data from an Id
    if Customer exists 
       fetch extra information for that customer (address?)
       fetch latest order of that customer
       if Order exists
          fetch OrderDetails

到目前为止,我将其建模为嵌套的 None 返回类似 Either[MotivationOfMissingOrderReturned,OrderWithAllDetails]


但我不确定这是否是最好的方法(在我看来它有点难看且难以阅读)或者我可以使用某种链式 monad 流对其进行建模,例如 Trymap / filter, Futures, 也许使用优雅的 for 理解。

我是 FP 的新手,正在尝试掌握如何有条不紊地将我的非功能性本能转化为 FP 行话。

我知道 FP 倾向于避免使用 if... then ... else 以支持对 OptionList 和其他 monad 等容器进行集体操作。


def fetchLastOrderFor(CustomerId:UUID)= {
customer = fetch Customer data from an Id
customer match{
  case Some(custData) => {
    info = fetch extra information for that customer (address?)
    lastOrder = fetch latest order of that customer
    lastOrder match{
      case Some(orderData) => ...
      case None => return invalid 
  case None => return invalid


def fetchLastOrderFor(CustomerId:UUID)= {
  customer <- fetch Customer data from an Id
  info <- fetch extra information for that customer (address?)
  lastOrder <- fetch latest order of that customer
} yield { ...return some combination of the data above... }

这真的可以归结为一堆 flatMaps


但是,最终,其中大部分都依赖于使用正确的数据结构。 IE。上面的例子最适合 Option、Disjunction 或 Validation。


def getCustomer(id: UUID): Option[Customer] = ???
def getCustomerInfo(customer: Customer): Option[CustomerInfo] = ???
def latestOrderForCustomer(customer: Customer): Option[Order]
def getOrderDetails(order: Order): Option[OrderDetails] = ???

def fetchLastOrderFor(customerId:UUID): Option[OrderDetails] = {
  for {
    customer     <- getCustomer(customerId)
    info         <- getCustomerInfo(customer)
    latestOrder  <- latestOrderForCustomer(customer)
    orderDetails <- getOrderDetails(order)
  } yield {