获取 BitcoinLib 错误 = "One or more required parameters, as defined in CoinParameters, were not found in the configuration file!"

Getting BitcoinLib Error = "One or more required parameters, as defined in CoinParameters, were not found in the configuration file!"

我在我的 ASP.NET 核心 (v2) Web Api 项目中使用 BitcoinLib。但是,每当我尝试实例化服务时:

        var bitcoinService = new BitcoinLib.Services.Coins.Bitcoin


One or more required parameters, as defined in CoinParameters, were not found in the configuration file!

我验证了传入的值不为空且正确,我什至将设置添加到我的 web.config:

    <add key="RpcRequestTimeoutInSeconds" value="60" />

    <add key="Bitcoin_DaemonUrl" value="http://localhost:18332" />
    <add key="Bitcoin_DaemonUrl_Testnet" value="http://localhost:18332" />
    <add key="Bitcoin_WalletPassword" value="X" />
    <add key="Bitcoin_RpcUsername" value="X" />
    <add key="Bitcoin_RpcPassword" value="X" />

没有任何效果...我需要分叉这个东西并删除那个 IgnoreConfigFiles 检查还是我在这里做错了什么?

显示的异常是误导...实际问题出在 rpcRequestTimeoutInSeconds。该库需要像这样重载:

BitcoinService(string daemonUrl, string rpcUsername, string rpcPassword, string walletPassword, short rpcRequestTimeoutInSeconds)


更多信息在这里: https://github.com/GeorgeKimionis/BitcoinLib/issues/42

我确实在这里创建了一个 .NET Core 兼容的: https://github.com/SaganMarketing/BitcoinLib

您可以在这里获取包裹: https://www.myget.org/feed/saganmarketing/package/nuget/BitcoinLib