如何从过程中获取 SelectStatement?

How to get SelectStatement from Procedure?

这是 . I'm trying to use DACExtensions 的后续问题,用于从 Procedure 检索 SelectStatement 对象,以便我可以使用 T4 模板从我的 SSDT 项目生成包装函数。问题是我的访客对象的节点 属性 中没有任何节点。我错过了什么?


public class SelectVisitor : TSqlFragmentVisitor
    public SelectVisitor() { this.Nodes = new List<SelectStatement>(); }
    public List<SelectStatement> Nodes { get; private set; }
    public override void Visit(SelectStatement node)


// Create the model
var procFiles = Directory.GetFiles(sqlPath, "*.sql", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
var model = new TSqlTypedModel(SqlServerVersion.Sql100, new TSqlModelOptions());
foreach(var procFile in procFiles)

// Loop through the procs
var procs = model.GetObjects<TSqlProcedure>(DacQueryScopes.UserDefined);
foreach(var proc in procs){ 
    var selectVisitor = new SelectVisitor();
    var ast = proc.GetAst();
    foreach(var node in selectVisitor.Nodes){
        // Nodes has Count=0 :(

使用 TSqlModelUtils.TryGetFragmentForAnalysis should ensure you get the original AST inside the model - hopefully that will have what you need. You may want to debug in and view your AST and what actually gets created - that's how we do things internally and often you may be surprised about what actually gets generated. Finally note that the DacpacExplorer 工具可能会使这更容易可视化 - 它现在应该支持显示对象(例如过程)背后的 AST。