Angular2 ng2-smart-table 排序

Angular2 ng2-smart-table sorting

ng2-smart-table of angular 2 排序功能是 区分大小写。是否有任何选项可以将 table 数据排序为 不区分大小写

You can provide your custom sorting function as the 4th argument in the sort() method.


let COMPARE_INSENSITIVE = (direction: any, a: any, b: any) => {
  // Converting strings to lowercase
  let first = typeof a === 'string' ? a.toLowerCase() : a;
  let second = typeof b === 'string' ? b.toLowerCase() : b;

  if (first < second) {
     return -1 * direction;
  if (first > second) {
    return direction;
  return 0;

ng2-smart-table 使用以下默认比较函数:

export class LocalSorter {

  protected static COMPARE = (direction: any, a: any, b: any) => {
    if (a < b) {
     return -1 * direction;
    if (a > b) {
      return direction;
    return 0;

  static sort(data: Array<any>, field: string, direction: string, customCompare?: Function): Array<any> {

    const dir: number = (direction === 'asc') ? 1 : -1;
    const compare: Function = customCompare ? customCompare : this.COMPARE;

    return data.sort((a, b) => {
      return, dir, a[field], b[field]);

如果你实现这个以确保你在 compareFunction 之后添加一个 : ,只是想扔掉。如下图...

columns: {
    group_name: {
        title: 'Groupname',
        compareFunction:(direction: any, a: any, b: any) => {
            // Converting strings to lowercase
            let first = typeof a === 'string' ? a.toLowerCase() : a;
            let second = typeof b === 'string' ? b.toLowerCase() : b;

            if (first < second) {
                return -1 * direction;
            if (first > second) {
                return direction;
            return 0;