QNetworkReply 返回不完整的 XML 数据

QNetworkReply returning incomplete XML data

我正在向远程服务器发送 HTTP GET 请求。使用各种参数我定义了我感兴趣的内容。特别是我确保 output=xml 在查询中,因为它使服务器 return 回复为 XML.

我的 class HttpRetriever 与各自的 QNetworkReplyQNetworkAccessManager 之间有以下联系(对于 QNetworkRequest 请参阅 slotStartRequest()):

connect(this->reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this,
connect(this->reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &HttpRetriever::slotFinishRequest);
connect(this->manager, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this->reply, &QNetworkReply::deleteLater);
connect(this->reply, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &HttpRetriever::slotReadyReadRequest);



void HttpRetriever::slotFinishRequest()
    LOG(INFO) << "Finishing HTTP GET request from URL \"" << this->url.toString() << "\"";
    this->reply = Q_NULLPTR;

    // Reset validity of reply from a previous request
    this->validReply = false;
    // Skip validation if it's disabled
    if (!this->validateReply)
        LOG(WARNING) << "Validation disabled. In order to enable it see the \"validate\" and \"validationMode\" in \"settings.ini\"";
        this->validReply = true;
        // Validate reply
        this->validReply = validateReply();

    if (!this->validReply)

    processReply(); // Parsing

    this->processingRequest = false;


void HttpRetriever::slotReadyReadRequest()
    LOG(INFO) << "Received data from \"" << this->url.toString() << "\"";
    this->bufferReply = this->reply->readAll();

slotFinishRequest() 里面我调用 processReply():

void HttpRetriever::processReply()
    LOG(INFO) << "Processing reply for request \"" << this->url.toString() << "\"";
    LOG(DEBUG) << QString(this->bufferReply);
    // Process the XML from the reply and extract necessary data

    QXmlStreamReader reader;

    // Read the XML reply and extract required data
    // TODO
    while (!reader.atEnd())
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Reading XML element";

        QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader.attributes();
        foreach (QXmlStreamAttribute attrib, attributes)
            LOG(DEBUG) << attrib.name();
    if (reader.hasError())
        LOG(ERROR) << "Encountered error while parsing XML data:" << reader.errorString();

    LOG(INFO) << "Sending data to data fusion handler";
    // TODO

我通过以下插槽触发 HTTP get 请求:

void HttpRetriever::slotStartRequest(quint32 id)
    if (this->processingRequest)

    this->processingRequest = false;

    // The first request also instantiates the manager. If the slot is called after the instance of HafasHttpRetriever
    // is moved to a new thread this will ensure proper parenting
    if (!this->manager)
        this->manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);

    quint32 requestId = generateRequestId(stopId);
    if (!this->url.hasQuery())
        LOG(WARNING) << "Attempting to start request without parameters";

    // Part of the filters applied to the request to reduce the data received (for more see slotSetRequestParams())
    QUrlQuery query(this->url.query());
    query.addQueryItem("input", QString::number(requestId));
    // TODO Add more filters; see documentation


    LOG(INFO) << "Requesting data from \"" << this->url.toString() << "\" with request ID:" << requestId;

    QNetworkRequest request(this->url);
    this->reply = this->manager->get(request);

    // Establish connections from/to the reply and the network access manager
    connect(this->reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this,
    connect(this->reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &HttpRetriever::slotFinishRequest);
    connect(this->manager, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this->reply, &QNetworkReply::deleteLater);
    connect(this->reply, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &HttpRetriever::slotReadyReadRequest);

如你所见,到目前为止我已经为我的 class 和服务器之间的网络通信奠定了基础,我还没有开始解析 XML 回复和从中提取我需要的信息。


Encountered error while parsing XML data: Start tag expected.

Encountered error while parsing XML data: Premature end of document

在我的 processReply() 函数中。每次我收到大量回复(几百到几千行)时都会发生这种情况。当我得到一个小的(30-40 行给予或接受)时,它永远不会发生。

所以问题显然出在我接收的数据量上,它是由 QNetworkAccessManager 组合在一起的方式(或者所有这些缓冲接收到的数据块中的任何 Qt 组件)and/or 也许是我在 class 中设置网络相关组件实例的方式。我还必须在这里做一个重要的说明,即在我的浏览器(带有 HttpRequester 附加组件的最新 Firefox)中,无论它有多大,我总是收到完整的 XML是。所以这似乎是我的应用程序独有的问题,与我系统上的网络设置无关。

因为@Marco 没有写答案...

问题是我一直在通过分配 QNetworkReply::readAll() 的结果来重写缓冲区。按照建议使用 QByteArray::append() 解决问题。

为了防止此解决方案可能出现的问题,即您不断附加收到的每个下一个回复,需要在某些时候调用 QByteArray::clear(),例如当 finished()发出信号。当然,在将其冲入下水道之前,需要先处理其内容。