clojure jdbc -> 异步通道 -> csv 文件...为什么我不懒惰?

clojure jdbc -> async channel -> csv file... why am i not lazy?

我正在尝试更好地了解 core.async 和频道等。

我手头的任务是在数据库上发出 jdbc select 语句并将结果流式传输到异步通道。

我想从这个通道获取一个互斥的线程并使用 写入一个 csv 文件。

当 运行 下面的程序时,它似乎并没有延迟发生...我没有向终端输出任何内容,然后所有内容立即出现,我的 csv 文件有 50 行。我希望有人能帮助我理解为什么。


(ns db-async-test.core-test
  (:require [  :as j]
            [    :as io]
            [   :as csv]
            [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [>! <! >!! <!!  chan thread]]
            [clojure.string     :as str]
            [while-let.core     :refer [while-let]]))

(defn db->chan [ch {:keys [sql db-spec]} ]
  "Given input channel ch, sql select, and db-spec connection info, put db
  hash-maps onto ch in a separate thread. Through back pressure I'm hoping to
  populate channel lazily as a consumer does downstream processing."
  (println "starting fetch...")
  (let [
        row-count           (atom 0)  ; For state on rows
        db-connection       (j/get-connection db-spec)
        statement (j/prepare-statement
                   sql {
                        :result-type :forward-only  ;; you need this to be lazy
                        :fetch-size 3               ;; also this
                        :max-rows   0
                        :concurrency :read-only})
        row-fn (fn[d] (do
                       (>!! ch d)
                       ;; everything below is just for printing to stdout and
                       ;; trying to understand where my non-lazy bottleneck is.
                       (swap! row-count inc)
                       (when (zero? (mod @row-count 5))
                           #_(Thread/sleep 2000 )
                           (println "\tFetched " @row-count " rows.")
      (j/query db-connection [statement]
               {:as-arrays?    false
                :result-set-fn vec
                :row-fn row-fn
      ;; as producer we finished popluting the chan, now close in this same
      ;; thread.
      (println "producer closing channel... (hopefully you have written rows by now...")
      (async/close! ch))))

(defn chan->csv [ch csv-file ]
  "With input channel ch and output file csv-file, read values off ch and write
  to csv file in a separate thread."
    (println "starting csv write...")
    (def row-count (atom 0))
    (with-open [^ writer (io/writer csv-file :append false :encoding "UTF-8")]
      (while-let [data (<!! ch)]
        (swap! row-count inc)
        (csv/write-csv writer [data] :quote? (fn[x] false) )
        (when (zero? (mod @row-count 2))
            #_(Thread/sleep 2000 )
            (println "Wrote " @row-count " rows.")
            (.flush writer)

(def config {:db-spec {:classname "org.postgres.Driver"
                       :subprotocol "postgres"
                       :subname "//my-database-host:5432/mydb"
                       :user "me"
                       :password "****"}
             :sql "select row_id, giant_xml_column::text as xml_column from public.big_toasty_table limit 50"})

;; main sorta thing
  (def ch (chan 1))
  (db->chan ch config)
  ;; could pipeline with transducers/etc at some point.
  (chan->csv ch "./test.csv"))

这是一些输出,其中包含我的评论,解释了 when/how 它的结果:

;; this happens pretty quick when i run:
starting fetch...
starting csv write...

;; then it waits 30 seconds, and spits out all the output below... it's not
;; "streaming" through lazily?
Wrote  2  rows.
    Fetched  5  rows.
Wrote  4  rows.
Wrote  6  rows.
Wrote  8  rows.
Wrote  44  rows.
Wrote  46  rows.
Wrote  48  rows.
    Fetched  50  rows.
producer closing channel... (hopefully you have written rows by now...
Wrote  50  rows.


我的主要修复是换掉 和 在我的 project.clj 中将其替换为 funcool/clojure.jdbc

funcool/clojure.jdbc 给我的是访问 result-set->lazy-seq 的权限。

ns :

(ns db-async-test.core-test
  (:require [jdbc.core :as j]
            [while-let.core :refer [while-let]]
            [ :as io]
            [ :as csv]
            [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [>!! <!! chan thread]]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

下面是相关代码。据我所知,这会通过异步通道流式传输内容。如果我有耐心,我应该能够使用它来玩转异步 reducers/transducers,并且希望能够处理相当大的数量(尤其是使用类似地图的函数)。

reader 线程的函数:

(defn db->chan [ch {:keys [sql db-spec]} ]
  "Put db hash-maps onto ch."
  (println "starting reader thread...")
  (let [
        row-count           (atom 0)  ; For state on rows
        row-fn (fn[r] (do (>!! ch r)
                         ;; everything below is just for printing to stdout
                         (swap! row-count inc)
                         (when (zero? (mod @row-count 100))
                           (println "Fetched " @row-count " rows."))))]
    (with-open [conn (j/connection db-spec)]
      (j/atomic conn
                (with-open [cursor (j/fetch-lazy conn sql)]
                  (doseq [row (j/cursor->lazyseq cursor)]
                    (row-fn row)))))
      (a/close! ch)))


(defn chan->csv [ch csv-file ]
  "Read values off ch and write to csv file."
  (println "starting writer thread...")
  (def row-count (atom 0))
  (with-open [^ writer (io/writer csv-file 
                                      :append false :encoding "UTF-8")]
    (while-let [data (<!! ch)]
      (swap! row-count inc)
      (csv/write-csv writer [data] :quote? (fn[x] false) )
      (when (zero? (mod @row-count 100))
        (println "Wrote " @row-count " rows.")))))

我把 thread 部分放在下面而不是单独的函数中:

(def config {:db-spec {:subprotocol "postgresql"
                       :subname "//mydbhost:5432/mydb"
                       :user "me"
                       :password "*****"}
             :sql "select row_id, giant_xml_value::text from some_table"})

  (def ch (chan 1))
  (thread (db->chan ch config))
  (thread (chan->csv ch "./test.csv")))

下面的输出,看起来两个线程都在同时工作,将数据流式传输到通道,然后从该通道弹出到 csv。
此外,即使 giant_xml_column 我的系统仍然没有使用大量内存。

starting fetch...
starting csv write...
Fetched  100 Wrote  rows.
Fetched  200Wrote    rows.200

Fetched  300  rows.
6000  rows.
Fetched  6100  rows.
Wrote  6100  rows.
Fetched  6200  rows.
Wrote  6200  rows.
Fetched  6300  rows.
 6300  rows.
Fetched  6400Wrote    rows.6400

Fetched  6500  rows.Wrote

6500  rows.