链接有效但重定向到 "Not Found" 页面?

Links working but redirecting to "Not Found" page?



我使用 Netfirms 下的 Weebly 来编辑我的网站。有些事情你不能在网站编辑器中做,所以我必须进入 HTML 代码进行编辑才能做到这一点(例如 - 将页面上的某些内容链接到同一页面上进一步完成的部分或在页面上的特定点将一页上的内容链接到另一页)

我过去做过,每次我通过网站编辑器对我的网站进行小的更改(例如 - 编辑文本、添加新图片等)时,它都会覆盖我对 HTML 代码,所以我只需要将旧的 HTML 代码粘贴回去,它们就会再次工作。但是我最近在我的网站上做了一些大的改变,包括添加了一堆新页面和东西,所以我在旧的添加新页面后链接到新的 HTML 代码,所以我不能只复制和粘贴旧的 HTML...


链接有效,但同时无效。一切都是正确的(拼写和正确的页面),当你点击链接时,它们会重定向到一个空白页面,上面写着 "Not Found".. 我不明白.. 我已经检查了所有的拼写并且一切都匹配起来,应该工作,但它不...请帮忙! HTML "Installation Instructions" 页面上 "Low Temp Installation" 和 "Heat Distortion" 的链接如下..

<div class="paragraph">Please view <em><u><a href=”/installation-
instructions.html#low_temp_installation”>Section 5.1 - Installation in Low 
Temperatures</a></u></em> in the installation instructions for help on 
installing our panels in low temperatures.<br /><br /><strong>We are not 
responsible for distorted panels due to excessive heat.</strong><br />Please 
view <em><u><a href=”/installation-
instructions.html#heat_distortion”>Section 5.2 - Heat Distortion</a></u>
</em> in the installation instructions for help installing and operating 
heaters and furnaces in areas using our PVC panels.<br /><br /><span 
style="color:rgb(42, 42, 42)">Delcan Products Ltd. obligation covered under 
the 15 year warranty is limited to the replacement of defective products 
only. &#8203;Warranty for defective products shall not include the cost or 
expense of any labor necessary for the replacement of the defective 
materials.</span><br /><br /><font size="5">Please <u><a 
href="/contact.html">contact us</a></u> if you have any questions about your 

HTML "Installation Instructions" 页面上的 "Low Temp Installation" 和 "Heat Distortion" 标签如下..

<h2 class="wsite-content-title" h2 id=”low_temp_installation”><font 
size="5">SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS</font></h2>

<div class="paragraph">If possible, avoid installation of panels when below 
10&deg;C (50&deg;F). Allow panels to acclimate to room temperature for at 
least 24 hours prior to installation.<ul><li>When installing in temperatures 
below 8&deg;C (48&deg;F), insert a dime between panels.</li><li>When 
installing in temperatures below 0&deg;C (32&deg;F), insert a nickel between 
panels. This will allow space for panel expansion in hot weather.</li></ul>
<div id=”heat_distortion”> Delcan Products Ltd. is not responsible for 
expansion problems. The <a href="/warranty.html">warranty</a> on this 
product is void if not installed according to these instructions.</div>


<a href="/installation-instructions.html#low_temp_installation">


<a href=”/installation-instructions.html#low_temp_installation”>