如何使用 Applescript 在 InDesign 中打开 "Find Font" window

How to open the "Find Font" window in InDesign with Applescript

正如标题所说,我有一个脚本 运行 可以检查 InDesign 文档中是否缺少字体。我想让它用 "Find Font" window 骚扰那个人,直到问题解决或者他们点击 "Ignore" 按钮,但我一辈子都不知道如何触发"Find Font" window 上来了。


tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
        click menu "Type" of menu bar 1
        click menu item "Find Font..." of menu "Type" of menu bar 1
    end tell
end tell


tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2015" to invoke item 1 of (menu actions whose name is "Find Font...")