
how to connect output signal of one module to input signal of other module


entity x1:
port(a: out std_logic;
architecture behv1 of x1 is
end behv1;

entity y1 
port(b: in std_logic;
architecture behv1 of y1 is
m1: x1 port map(a=>b);    
end behv1;

所以,这里的 a 是实体 x1 的输出信号,它直接连接到另一个实体 y1 的输入 b。


entity y1 提供 y1 实体的 接口 。它指定您有实体的输入 b。这意味着您可以从 architecture 声明中读取 b 的值。然后,您应该在 architecture behav1.

中实现您希望 y1 模块执行的操作

不过据我了解,您想实例化一个 x1 和一个 y1,然后将它们连接在一起。为此,您需要提供 x1y1 的实现,然后在单独的顶层实例化两者并将它们连接在一起。像这样:

entity x1:
port(a: out std_logic;
architecture behv1 of x1 is
    -- Do something...
end behv1;

entity y1 
port(b: in std_logic;
architecture behv1 of y1 is
    -- Do something...    
end behv1;

entity toplevel
port (
    clk : in std_logic;
architecture toplevel_arch of toplevel is
    signal x1_output : std_logic; -- Temp to connect both modules
    m_x1: x1 port map(a => x1_output);
    m_y1: y1 port map(b => x1_output);
end toplevel_arch;



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity x3 is
    port (
        x3in:   in  std_logic;
        x3out:  out std_logic
end entity;

architecture behv3 of x3 is
    x3out <= x3in;
end architecture;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity y3 is
    port (
        y3in:   in  std_logic;
        y3out:  out std_logic
end entity;

architecture behv3 of y3 is
    y3out <= y3in;
end architecture;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity z3 is
    port (
        z3in:   in  std_logic;
        z3out:  out std_logic
end entity;

architecture foo of z3 is

    component x3 is
        port (
            x3in:   in  std_logic;
            x3out:  out std_logic
    end component;

    component y3 is
        port (
            y3in:   in  std_logic;
            y3out:  out std_logic
    end component;

    signal x3out:   std_logic;

        port map ( 
            x3in => z3in,
            x3out => x3out
        port map ( 
            y3in => x3out,
            y3out => z3out
end architecture;

可在语言参考手册 (LRM)、IEEE Std 1076-2008 端口条款中找到适用规则:

After a given description is completely elaborated (see Clause 14), if a formal port is associated with an actual that is itself a port, then the following restrictions apply depending upon the mode (see 6.5.2), if any, of the formal port:

a) For a formal port of mode in, the associated actual shall be a port of mode in, out, inout, or buffer. This restriction applies both to an actual that is associated as a name in the actual part of an association element and to an actual that is associated as part of an expression in the actual part of an association element.
b) For a formal port of mode out, the associated actual shall be a port of mode out, inout, or buffer.
c) For a formal port of mode inout, the associated actual shall be a port of mode out, inout, or buffer.
d) For a formal port of mode buffer, the associated actual shall be a port of mode out, inout, or buffer.
e) For a formal port of mode linkage, the associated actual may be a port of any mode.