if (N <= 0) NULL else seq(N) 错误:缺少 TRUE/FALSE 需要的值

Error in if (N <= 0) NULL else seq(N) : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

maxP <- 2       
maxQ <- 2
AIC  <- matrix(0,nrow=maxP,ncol=maxQ)
BIC  <- matrix(0,nrow=maxP,ncol=maxQ)
HQC  <- matrix(0,nrow=maxP,ncol=maxQ)

# Save all information criteria
 for (p in 0:maxP){
  for(q in 0:maxQ){
     if (p>0) {ARLags <- 1:p} 
    else {ARLags <- 0}

    if (q>0) {MALags <- 1:q} 
    else{MALags <- 0}

    # Estimate the model
    CPI_fit <- arma(CPI, order(ARLags, MALags, include.intercept = TRUE)
    # Save the criteria in a P x Q matrix
    AIC[p+1, q+1] <- CPI_fit$aic
    BIC[p+1, q+1] <- CPI_fit$bic


我正在尝试对 select ARMA 模型的模型规范进行自动处理,但我总是收到此错误消息:

Error in if (N <= 0) NULL else seq(N) : 
 missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed


我假设您正在使用 tseries::arma


arma(CPI, order(ARLags, MALags), include.intercept = TRUE)


2: seqN(order[2])
1: arma(CPI, order(ARLags, MALags), include.intercept = TRUE)

arma 的第二个形式是 order,您已经提供了 order(ARLags, MALags)。这意味着对于函数调用,我们有

order = order(ARLags, MALags)


order returns a permutation which rearranges its first argument into ascending or descending order, breaking ties by further arguments. sort.list is the same, using only one argument.

(强调我的)这个排列用于对数据进行排序,是一个与输入长度相同的向量。同时,tseries::armaaccording to the help page:


order a two dimensional integer vector giving the orders of the model to fit. order[1] corresponds to the AR part and order[2] to the MA part.

这就是冲突。 arma 需要一个 二维整数向量 但提供了一个 一维向量 因为 p = 0 然后 ARlags = 0order(0) = 1.

您要提供 arma 的是 order = c(p,q) - AR 和 MA 部分中的最大滞后项。试试这个

CPI_fit <- arma(CPI, c(p, q), include.intercept = TRUE)