iPhone X 和缺口检测

iPhoneX and Notch detection

使用Javascript;如何检查用户设备是否为 iPhoneX?

此外,如何确定 iPhone 的 'notch' 在横向时位于哪一侧?


... 但这些往往会利用在撰写本文时许多移动浏览器本身不支持的尖端功能。

所以我想出了一个用Javascript检测iPhoneX的方法。我的过程还根据用户设备方向检查 Notch 的位置:



  // Really basic check for the ios platform
  var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream;

  // Get the device pixel ratio
  var ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;

  // Define the users device screen dimensions
  var screen = {
    width : window.screen.width * ratio,
    height : window.screen.height * ratio

  // iPhone X Detection
  if (iOS && screen.width == 1125 && screen.height === 2436) {

    // Set a global variable now we've determined the iPhoneX is true
    window.iphoneX = true;

    // Adds a listener for ios devices that checks for orientation changes.
    window.addEventListener('orientationchange', update);

  // Each time the device orientation changes, run this update function
  function update() {

  // Notch position checker
  function notch() {

    var _notch = '';

    if( 'orientation' in window ) {
      // Mobile
      if (window.orientation == 90) {
        _notch = 'left';
      } else if (window.orientation == -90) {
        _notch = 'right';
    } else if ( 'orientation' in window.screen ) {
      // Webkit
      if( screen.orientation.type === 'landscape-primary') {
        _notch = 'left';
      } else if( screen.orientation.type === 'landscape-secondary') {
        _notch = 'right';
    } else if( 'mozOrientation' in window.screen ) {
      // Firefox
      if( screen.mozOrientation === 'landscape-primary') {
        _notch = 'left';
      } else if( screen.mozOrientation === 'landscape-secondary') {
        _notch = 'right';

    window.notch = _notch;


// Bespoke functions:
// The above functions have no jQuery Dependencies.
// The below code uses jQuery solely for this quick demo.
if ( window.iphoneX === true ) {
function iphoneXChecker() {
  if (window.notch == 'left') {
  } else if (window.notch == 'right') {
  } else {
    $('body').removeClass('notch-right notch-left');

我不禁觉得这只是小技巧的组合。您可能会注意到;我的 Javascript 并不完全符合高标准,我相信有 better/cleaner 方法可以做到这一点。


如果您只想检查 iPhoneX(忽略刘海),这应该可以:



  // Really basic check for the ios platform
  var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream;

  // Get the device pixel ratio
  var ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;

  // Define the users device screen dimensions
  var screen = {
    width : window.screen.width * ratio,
    height : window.screen.height * ratio

  // iPhone X Detection
  if (iOS && screen.width == 1125 && screen.height === 2436) {
    alert('iPhoneX Detected!');

iPhone X 和 11 有 9:19.5 宽高比:

9 / 19.5 = 0.4615384615.toFixed(3) = "0.462"

让我们使用 window.screen 在所有 iPhone X 和 11 上尝试此操作。

X、Xs、Xs Max(显示缩放:缩放)、11 Pro、11 Pro Max(显示缩放:缩放):

375 / 812 = 0.4618226601.toFixed(3) = "0.462"

Xs Max(显示缩放:标准)、XR、11、11 Pro Max(显示缩放:标准):

414 / 896 = 0.4620535714.toFixed(3) = "0.462"


let iPhone = /iPhone/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream
let aspect = window.screen.width / window.screen.height
if (iPhone && aspect.toFixed(3) === "0.462") {
    // I'm an iPhone X or 11...
