有没有办法在 dask 中获得每组最大的项目?

Is there a way to get the nlargest items per group in dask?


location  category    percent
A         5           100.0
B         3           100.0
C         2            50.0
          4            13.0
D         2            75.0
          3            59.0
          4            13.0
          5             4.0

我正在尝试获取数据框中按位置分组的最大类别项目。即如果我想要每个组的前 2 个最大百分比,输出应该是:

location  category    percent
A         5           100.0
B         3           100.0
C         2            50.0
          4            13.0
D         2            75.0
          3            59.0

看起来在 pandas 中使用 pandas.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy.nlargest 相对简单,但 dask 没有 nlargest groupby 函数。一直在尝试 apply,但似乎无法正常工作。

df.groupby(['location'].apply(lambda x: x['percent'].nlargest(2)).compute()

但我只是得到错误 ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 0, placement implies 8

apply 应该可以,但是你的语法有点不对:

In [11]: df
Dask DataFrame Structure:
              Unnamed: 0 location category  percent
                   int64   object    int64  float64
                     ...      ...      ...      ...
Dask Name: from-delayed, 3 tasks

In [12]: df.groupby("location")["percent"].apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(2), meta=('x', 'f8')).compute()
A         0    100.0
B         1    100.0
C         2     50.0
          3     13.0
D         4     75.0
          5     59.0
Name: x, dtype: float64

在 pandas 中,您可以使用 .nlargest.rank 作为 groupby 方法,这样您就可以在没有应用的情况下执行此操作:

In [21]: df1
  location  category  percent
0        A         5    100.0
1        B         3    100.0
2        C         2     50.0
3        C         4     13.0
4        D         2     75.0
5        D         3     59.0
6        D         4     13.0
7        D         5      4.0

In [22]: df1.groupby("location")["percent"].nlargest(2)
A         0    100.0
B         1    100.0
C         2     50.0
          3     13.0
D         4     75.0
          5     59.0
Name: percent, dtype: float64

The dask documentation notes:

Dask.dataframe covers a small but well-used portion of the pandas API.
This limitation is for two reasons:

  1. The pandas API is huge
  2. Some operations are genuinely hard to do in parallel (for example sort).