使用 NodeJS 和 ObjectionJs 进行分页查询

Paging query with NodeJS and ObjectionJs

您好,我是 NodeJS 的新手,正在使用 ObjectionJS 作为 ORM。 我想为我的用户 table 做一个迁移脚本,以便更改每行的某些字段。


export default class UserMigration {

  constructor(firstId, lastId = 9000000) {
    this.firstId = firstId;
    this.lastId  = lastId;

  migrate() {
    let more = true;
    let page = 0;
    let batchSize = 100;
    while(more) {
      UserModel.query().where('id', '>=', this.firstId)
        .where('id', '<=', this.lastId)
        .page(page, batchSize)
        .then((result) => {
          let users = result.results;
          debug('Page: ', page);
          debug('PageSize: ', users.length)
          users.forEach((user) => {
            // Do something here
          if(result.results.length < batchSize) {
            more = false
          } else {


但后来我意识到查询是异步执行的,而 while 块是同步执行的,对吗?

如何在不一次查询 returns 所有用户的情况下实现迁移?


我使用 async/await

export default class UserMigration {

  constructor(firstId, lastId = 9000000) {
    this.firstId = firstId;
    this.lastId  = lastId;

  run() {
    this.migrateV3().then((data) => {
      debug('All migrated');
      debug('data: ', data);
    }).catch((data) => {
      debug('data: ', data);

  async migrateV3() {
    let more = true;
    let page = 0;
    let batchSize = 100;
    while(more) {
      try {
        let result = await UserModel.query().where('id', '>=', this.firstId)
          .where('id', '<=', this.lastId)
          .page(page, batchSize);
        let users = result.results;
        debug('Page: ', page);
        debug('PageSize: ', users.length)
        for(let user of users) {
          debug(`User ${user.id} migration start`);
          // Do something
        if(result.results.length < batchSize) {
          more = false
        } else {
      catch (err) {
        throw err;