
How to display a random photo from a folder in a picture box and print out the photo name without extension

我有一个名为 "MyPhotos" 的文件夹,我想在每次单击 "Myphoto" 中的命令按钮时显示一张随机照片,并以不带格式的形式打印出所显示照片的名称延期 。我正在尝试以下代码,但仍然无法获取照片名称

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _ System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim DirectoryPath As String = Application.ExecutablePath
    Directorypath = DirectoryPath.Substring(0, Directorypath.LastIndexOf("\bin")) & "\MyPhotos"
    Dim bm As New Bitmap(GetRandomImageFilePath(Directorypath))
    picImage.Image = bm
End Sub

Public Function GetRandomImageFilePath(ByVal folderPath As String) As String
    Dim files() As String = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, "*.jpg")
    Dim random As Random = New Random()
    Return files(random.Next(0, files.Length))
End Function


您已经拥有 GetRandomImageFilePath 返回的完整路径。 如果您只想要文件名,请在调用 Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _ System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim DirectoryPath As String = Application.ExecutablePath
    Directorypath = DirectoryPath.Substring(0, Directorypath.LastIndexOf("\bin")) & "\MyPhotos"
    Dim imagePath as String = GetRandomImageFilePath(Directorypath)
    Dim fileInfo as New FileInfo(imagePath)
    Dim imageName as String = fileInfo.Name
    Dim bm As New Bitmap(imagePath)
    picImage.Image = bm
End Sub

我将此添加到您的按钮方法中。我只使用 FileInfo 来获取详细信息。

    Dim finfo As FileInfo = New FileInfo(GetRandomImageFilePath(DirectoryPath))

    Dim filename As String = finfo.Name.Replace(finfo.Extension, "")
    Dim bm As New Bitmap(finfo.FullName)
    picImage.Image = bm