Commands.Stage() 在使用 LibGit2Sharp 暂存未跟踪文件时不会增加 Staged.Count

Commands.Stage() doesn't increment Staged.Count when staging untracked files with LibGit2Sharp

当我暂存至少一个跟踪文件时,以下块有效。但是当我只暂存未跟踪的文件时,repo.RetrieveStatus().Staged.Count 等于零(我希望它会随着暂存文件的数量增加),因此不满足 if 条件并且不提交。

using (var repo = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(RepoPath))
        Signature author = new Signature(username, email, DateTime.Now);
        Signature committer = author;
        if (repo.RetrieveStatus().Staged.Any())
            Commit commit = repo.Commit(CommitMessage, author, committer);



List of files added to the index, which are already in the current commit with different content

即这些对应git-status的"changes to be committed"区的"modified",或者git-status --shortM状态。

根据定义,这些文件不包括暂存的新添加文件。为此,您还需要检查 Added 集合,即:

List of files added to the index, which are not in the current commit

即这些对应git-status的"changes to be committed"区的"new files",或git status --shortA状态。

但是,您可能还想考虑 所有 分阶段更改,我认为这正是您想要做的。你会想看看这些集合的状态:

Added: List of files added to the index, which are not in the current commit
Staged: List of files added to the index, which are already in the current commit with different content
Removed: List of files removed from the index but are existent in the current commit
RenamedInIndex: List of files that were renamed and staged (if you requested renames).

目前没有任何功能可以 return 列出所有分阶段更改的列表,这似乎是一种疏忽(如果您想提交拉取请求到LibGit2Sharp!)