NuGet 和 Bower 是否等效(JavaScript 包)?
Are NuGet and Bower equivalent (JavaScript Packages)?
在管理我们的 JavaScript 库时,Bower 和 NuGet 是否等效?
管理是指 "fetching and installing packages from all over, taking care of hunting, finding, downloading, and saving the stuff we're looking for. And also keeping track of these packages in a manifest file"。
如果您谈论在团队中工作或开源,首先困扰我的是:NuGet 依赖于 .NET,而 bower 让您选择操作系统和 IDE / 文本编辑器。
NuGet 强制您使用 Windows(也可能 Visual Studio 2010+),而 Bower 在每个系统上运行并且不依赖于其中任何一个。
The command-line application (nuget.exe) builds and runs under Mono (version 3.2 or later) and allows you to create packages in Mono. This is especially true for Mono on Windows, but there are some known issues for Mono on Linux and OS X.
作为(前端)开发人员,我最不想使用的是 Windows 和 IDE。
在管理我们的 JavaScript 库时,Bower 和 NuGet 是否等效?
管理是指 "fetching and installing packages from all over, taking care of hunting, finding, downloading, and saving the stuff we're looking for. And also keeping track of these packages in a manifest file"。
如果您谈论在团队中工作或开源,首先困扰我的是:NuGet 依赖于 .NET,而 bower 让您选择操作系统和 IDE / 文本编辑器。 NuGet 强制您使用 Windows(也可能 Visual Studio 2010+),而 Bower 在每个系统上运行并且不依赖于其中任何一个。
The command-line application (nuget.exe) builds and runs under Mono (version 3.2 or later) and allows you to create packages in Mono. This is especially true for Mono on Windows, but there are some known issues for Mono on Linux and OS X.
作为(前端)开发人员,我最不想使用的是 Windows 和 IDE。