C# 在平面上的 2 个 Vector3 点之间相交一条线

C# intersect a line bettween 2 Vector3 point on a plane

我在两个 Vector3 点之间有一条线,我想找出该线何时与 Z 轴的某个高度相交。


void Main()
    Vector3 A = new Vector3(2.0f,  2.0f, 2.0f);
    Vector3 B = new Vector3(7.0f, 10.0f, 6.0f);
    float Z = 3.0f;

    Vector3 C = getIntersectingPoint(A, B, Z);
    //C should be X=3.25, Y=4.0, Z=3.0



public static Vector3 getIntersectingPoint(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, float Z)
    // Assume z is bettween A and B and we don't need to validate
    // Get ratio of triangle hight, height Z divided by (Za to Zb)  
    ("absolute value: " + Math.Abs(A.Z-B.Z)).Dump();
    ("z offset: " + (Math.Abs(Z-B.Z)<Math.Abs(A.Z-Z)?Math.Abs(Z-B.Z):Math.Abs(A.Z-Z))).Dump();
    float ratio = (Math.Abs(Z-B.Z)<Math.Abs(A.Z-Z)?Math.Abs(Z-B.Z):Math.Abs(A.Z-Z))/Math.Abs(A.Z-B.Z);
    ("ratio: " + ratio.ToString()).Dump();
    float difX = ratio*Math.Abs(A.X-B.X);//this still needs to be added to or taken from the zero point offset
    ("difX: " + difX.ToString()).Dump();
    float difY = ratio*Math.Abs(A.Y-B.Y);//this still needs to be added to or taken from the zero point offset
    ("difY: " + difY.ToString()).Dump();

    float X = difX + (A.X<B.X?A.X:B.X);
    ("X: " + X).Dump();
    float Y = difY + (A.Y<B.Y?A.Y:B.Y);
    ("Y: " + Y).Dump();
    return new Vector3(X,Y,Z);


您有起始 (2.0f) 和结束 (6.0f) Z 坐标。两点之间的 Z 距离为 4.0f。您想知道 Z 为 3.0f 的点的 X 和 Y 坐标。

请记住,Z 沿线段线性变化。线段长度为 4 个单位,您感兴趣的点距起点 1 个单位,或线段长度的 1/4。

整个线段的 X 距离为 7.0 - 2.0,即 5 个单位。 5的1/4是1.25,所以交点的X坐标是3.25.


交点为(3.25f, 6.0f, 3.0f).


// start is the starting point
// end is the ending point
// target is the point you're looking for.
// It's pre-filled with the Z coordinate.
zDist = Math.Abs(end.z - start.z);
zDiff = Math.Abs(target.z - start.z);
ratio = zDiff / zDist;

xDist = Math.Abs(end.x - start.x);
xDiff = xDist * ratio;
xSign = (start.x < end.x) ? 1 : -1;
target.x = start.x + (xDiff * xSign);

yDist = Math.Abs(end.y - start.y);
yDiff = yDist * ratio;
ySign = (start.y < end.y) ? 1 : -1;
target.y = start.y + (yDiff * ySign);

想想看,整个标志的东西应该是不必要的。考虑一下,当 end.x = 10start.x = 18:

xDist = end.x - start.x;      // xDist = -8
xDiff = xDist * ratio;        // xDiff = -2
target.x = start.x + xDiff;   // target.x = 18 + (-2) = 16


计算比率时也不需要调用 Math.Abs。我们知道 zDistzDiff 的符号相同,所以 ratio 总是正数。