libgit2sharp - Git - 无法推送不可快速转发的引用

libgit2sharp - Git - cannot push non-fastforwardable reference

我正在使用 libgit2sharp 将文件生成后推送到存储库。

using (var repo = new Repository(RepositoryPath))
    // Stage the file
    Commands.Stage(repo, "*");

    // Create the committer's signature and commit
    Signature author = new Signature("translator", "", DateTime.Now);
    Signature committer = author;

    // Commit to the repository
    Commit commit = repo.Commit($"Resx files updated {DateTime.Now}", author, committer);

    Remote remote = repo.Network.Remotes["origin"];
    var options = new PushOptions
        CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) =>
           new UsernamePasswordCredentials
               Username = _settings.GitUserName,
               Password = _settings.GitPassword
     repo.Network.Push(remote, @"refs/heads/master", options);



Message: cannot push non-fastforwardable reference
StackTrace:  at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.HandleError(Int32 result)
   at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Proxy.git_remote_push(RemoteHandle remote, IEnumerable`1 refSpecs, GitPushOptions opts)
   at LibGit2Sharp.Network.Push(Remote remote, IEnumerable`1 pushRefSpecs, PushOptions pushOptions)
   at LibGit2Sharp.Network.Push(Remote remote, String pushRefSpec, PushOptions pushOptions)
   at Westwind.Globalization.Core.Utilities.DbResXConverter.SyncToGit(String resourceSet)

我已经搜索过错误但找不到任何内容?此外,由于此存储库位于 Azure Web 服务器上,我假设我将通过 libgit2sharp C# 代码获得 运行 任何 Git 命令,因为我没有 运行 命令行 Git 的权限] 命令。



或者,您可以通过在 refspec 前加上 +(例如,+refs/heads/master)来强制推送。