Google Cloud Platform 正在删除一个项目

Google Cloud Platform deleting a project


  1. Google 帐户 A 在 Google 开发人员控制台中创建了一个新项目 foo。
  2. 账户 A 然后通过输入他们的信用卡来为项目 foo 开账单
  3. 然后账户 A 将 foo 的项目所有权权限授予账户 B
  4. B 账号登录,修改 A 账号的项目权限为可以查看项目 foo
  5. 账户 A 现在无法禁用计费或删除项目 foo
  6. 帐户 B 已删除
  7. foo项目处于无法禁用计费状态,无法删除项目。



更新:2015 年 1 月 20 日 联系 Google 计费部门后,我得到以下回复,暗示没有解决此问题的方法。

I understand that you'd like to change the project owner or delete this project. For security and privacy reasons, I unfortunately cannot perform any such changes, as these can only be performed by a project owner. If your main concern is related to billing and if it's your credit card used on this account, in order to stop future charges simply advise your financial institution about the unauthorized charges.

Should the current project owner not wish to make any of the changes you requested in this case or is unable to, regrettably the only options available were previously mentioned. It's recommended to always have more than a single project owner in order to avoid any complications that may arise for best practice.

I appreciate your understanding on this matter.



此致, 保罗.