使用 rtweet 获取 friendships/show
GET friendships/show with rtweet
我试图找到一种方法来使用 rtweet 包从 Twitter REST API 执行对 GET friendships/show 的请求,以便分析两个用户之间的关系。但是,我无法让它工作(我确实找到了 lookup_friendships()
,但它并没有按照我的意愿进行)。 rtweet 可以做到这一点吗?如果可以,怎么做?
您或许可以使用 get_friends()
or get_followers()
此功能已添加到 rtweet,因此至少应该可以通过 lookup_friendships()
合理地访问 "friendships/show" API – 而且,奖金,它刚刚在 CRAN 上的版本 0.6.0
必需的输入是 source
和 target
(可以是屏幕名称或用户 ID)。如果仅向 source
或 target
提供一个用户,则可以在另一个参数中传递任意数量的用户——保存 Twitter API 速率限制。
fds <- lookup_friendships(
source = "realDonaldTrump",
target = c("DRUDGE_REPORT", "seanhannity", "HuffPost", "maddow", "cnn")
> fds
# A tibble: 60 x 4
relationship user variable value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 source DRUDGE_REPORT id 25073877
2 source DRUDGE_REPORT id_str 25073877
3 source DRUDGE_REPORT screen_name realDonaldTrump
4 source DRUDGE_REPORT following TRUE
5 source DRUDGE_REPORT followed_by FALSE
6 source DRUDGE_REPORT live_following FALSE
7 source DRUDGE_REPORT can_dm FALSE
8 target realDonaldTrump id 14669951
9 target realDonaldTrump id_str 14669951
10 target realDonaldTrump screen_name DRUDGE_REPORT
# ... with 50 more rows
也可以在 source
和 target
参数中指定多个用户。但是,如果两个参数的长度都大于 1,则向量的长度必须相等。
## vector of multiple users
usrs <- c(
"realDonaldTrump", "DRUDGE_REPORT", "seanhannity", "HuffPost", "maddow", "cnn"
fds <- lookup_friendships(
source = usrs,
target = usrs
> fds
# A tibble: 72 x 4
relationship user variable value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 source realDonaldTrump id 25073877
2 source realDonaldTrump id_str 25073877
3 source realDonaldTrump screen_name realDonaldTrump
4 source realDonaldTrump following FALSE
5 source realDonaldTrump followed_by FALSE
6 source realDonaldTrump live_following FALSE
7 source realDonaldTrump can_dm TRUE
8 target realDonaldTrump id 25073877
9 target realDonaldTrump id_str 25073877
10 target realDonaldTrump screen_name realDonaldTrump
# ... with 62 more rows
还没有很多时间来测试它。如果您 运行 遇到问题,请尝试设置 parse = FALSE
fds <- lookup_friendships(
source = usrs,
target = usrs,
parse = FALSE
> str(fds, 3)
List of 6
$ realDonaldTrump:List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ DRUDGE_REPORT :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ seanhannity :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ HuffPost :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ maddow :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ cnn :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
我试图找到一种方法来使用 rtweet 包从 Twitter REST API 执行对 GET friendships/show 的请求,以便分析两个用户之间的关系。但是,我无法让它工作(我确实找到了 lookup_friendships()
,但它并没有按照我的意愿进行)。 rtweet 可以做到这一点吗?如果可以,怎么做?
您或许可以使用 get_friends()
or get_followers()
此功能已添加到 rtweet,因此至少应该可以通过 lookup_friendships()
合理地访问 "friendships/show" API – 而且,奖金,它刚刚在 CRAN 上的版本 0.6.0
必需的输入是 source
和 target
(可以是屏幕名称或用户 ID)。如果仅向 source
或 target
提供一个用户,则可以在另一个参数中传递任意数量的用户——保存 Twitter API 速率限制。
fds <- lookup_friendships(
source = "realDonaldTrump",
target = c("DRUDGE_REPORT", "seanhannity", "HuffPost", "maddow", "cnn")
> fds
# A tibble: 60 x 4
relationship user variable value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 source DRUDGE_REPORT id 25073877
2 source DRUDGE_REPORT id_str 25073877
3 source DRUDGE_REPORT screen_name realDonaldTrump
4 source DRUDGE_REPORT following TRUE
5 source DRUDGE_REPORT followed_by FALSE
6 source DRUDGE_REPORT live_following FALSE
7 source DRUDGE_REPORT can_dm FALSE
8 target realDonaldTrump id 14669951
9 target realDonaldTrump id_str 14669951
10 target realDonaldTrump screen_name DRUDGE_REPORT
# ... with 50 more rows
也可以在 source
和 target
参数中指定多个用户。但是,如果两个参数的长度都大于 1,则向量的长度必须相等。
## vector of multiple users
usrs <- c(
"realDonaldTrump", "DRUDGE_REPORT", "seanhannity", "HuffPost", "maddow", "cnn"
fds <- lookup_friendships(
source = usrs,
target = usrs
> fds
# A tibble: 72 x 4
relationship user variable value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 source realDonaldTrump id 25073877
2 source realDonaldTrump id_str 25073877
3 source realDonaldTrump screen_name realDonaldTrump
4 source realDonaldTrump following FALSE
5 source realDonaldTrump followed_by FALSE
6 source realDonaldTrump live_following FALSE
7 source realDonaldTrump can_dm TRUE
8 target realDonaldTrump id 25073877
9 target realDonaldTrump id_str 25073877
10 target realDonaldTrump screen_name realDonaldTrump
# ... with 62 more rows
还没有很多时间来测试它。如果您 运行 遇到问题,请尝试设置 parse = FALSE
fds <- lookup_friendships(
source = usrs,
target = usrs,
parse = FALSE
> str(fds, 3)
List of 6
$ realDonaldTrump:List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ DRUDGE_REPORT :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ seanhannity :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ HuffPost :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ maddow :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7
$ cnn :List of 1
..$ relationship:List of 2
.. ..$ source:List of 16
.. ..$ target:List of 7