
auto with ternary operator and templates


template <typename T>
class foo;


using fooT1 = class foo<T1>;
using fooT2 = class foo<T2>;


const auto* fooPtr = useFooT1 ? getFooT1Ptr() : getFooT2Ptr();

因为在此函数中使用 fooPtr 的代码不依赖于 fooPtr 的类型是 fooT1 还是 fooT2


error: conditional expression between distinct pointer types ...

我明白,根据 C++ 标准,应该有一个共同的类型,两者都可以转换为,所以这种方法可能行不通。


的确,C++ 是静态类型的,所以变量的类型不能依赖于运行时间条件。


template <typename T> doStuff(foo<T> * f) {
    // stuff that works with any `foo` type

并根据 运行 时间变量调用不同的特化

if (useFooT1) {
} else {

如果布尔变量 useFooT1 在编译时已知,您可以实现编译时开关,例如

FooT1 const* getFooPtr(std::true_type /* useFooT1 */) { 
    return getFooT1Ptr(); 
FooT2 const* getFooPtr(std::false_type /* !useFooT1 */) { 
    return getFooT2Ptr(); 
/* ... */
auto const* fooPtr = getFooPtr(std::integral_constant<bool, useFooT1>());

这也可以推广到两种以上的类型,开关可以直接取决于类型 T1/T2。

另请参阅:Is it possible to use tag dispatching to determine return type and Switch passed type from template 和许多其他内容。

下面是一个示例(实际上是 2 种不同的方法:V1/V2)如何使用一个可以在内部使用不同类型的 std:: 容器的函数。请注意,使用的容器类型实际上可以改变函数的结果(因为容器的内部排序),这就是我在这里展示的内容。函数 returnMaxPointV1/2 接受一个 bool 参数,内部有部分通用代码和部分专用代码。这是与使用模板相反的方法,其中函数调用者必须专门化(!在编译时!),但函数体是通用的。这里的调用者是通用的(!在运行时!),但主体是专门的。

#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>         // std::this_thread::sleep_for
#include <chrono>         // std::chrono::seconds

struct Point2D {
    int x1;
    int x2;

    bool operator < (const Point2D& rhs) const {
        return x1-10*x2 < rhs.x1-10*rhs.x2;

Point2D points[4] = { { 10,2 },{ 2,2 },{ 0,1 },{ 10,4 } };

namespace returnMaxInlines
    inline  Point2D FindMax(Point2D a, Point2D b) {
        return (a.x1 > b.x1) ? a : b;

The function returnMaxPoint fills a container with points that satisfy the condition x2 >= 2.
You can select what kind of containter to use  by using the bool containterTypeSet
the function then finds the point with maximum x1 in the container, but because
there are some points with the same x1 it will return the first one encountered,
which may be a different one depending on the container type,
because the points may be differently ordered in the container.
Point2D returnMaxPointV1(bool containterTypeSet)
    using namespace returnMaxInlines;       // the inline function is only accessible locally in this function (because of the namespace)

    Point2D     maxPoint = { 0,0 };
    if (containterTypeSet == true) {
        std::set<Point2D>   container;
        for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 4; ++cnt) {
            if (points[cnt].x2 >= 2) {
        for (auto it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it) {
            maxPoint = FindMax(maxPoint, *it);      // this part of the code is generic for both cases of bool containterTypeSet, it is an inline function
    else {
        std::vector<Point2D>    container;
        for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 4; ++cnt) {
            if (points[cnt].x2 >= 2) {
        for (auto it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it) {
            maxPoint = FindMax(maxPoint, *it);      // this part of the code is generic for both cases of bool containterTypeSet, it is an inline function
    return maxPoint;

/* Alternative implementation
    No inline function is needed, but you need to have all variables for both options declared in scope
    and you need to add many if-statements, thus branching (but maybe the compiler can optimize this out (which will yield some kind of version V1)

Point2D returnMaxPointV2(bool containterTypeSet)
    Point2D                 maxPoint = { 0,0 };
    std::set<Point2D>       containerSet;
    std::vector<Point2D>    containerVector;

    // specialized code
    if (containterTypeSet) {
        for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 4; ++cnt) {
            if (points[cnt].x2 >= 2) {
        for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 4; ++cnt) {
            if (points[cnt].x2 >= 2) {
    std::set<Point2D>::iterator         SetIterator;
    std::vector<Point2D>::iterator      VectorIterator;

    const Point2D   *ScopePoint;
    bool            foolCompiler;       // the compiler was tripping if both types of the tenary operator (?:) were not of the same type, so I made the statement such that the statement was of type bool.

    for(foolCompiler = containterTypeSet? ((SetIterator = containerSet.begin()) == SetIterator): ((VectorIterator = containerVector.begin()) == VectorIterator);
        containterTypeSet ? SetIterator != containerSet.end() : VectorIterator != containerVector.end();
        foolCompiler = containterTypeSet ? ((SetIterator++) == SetIterator) : ((VectorIterator++) == VectorIterator)
        ScopePoint = containterTypeSet ? &(*SetIterator) : &(*VectorIterator);
        // generic code 
        maxPoint = (maxPoint.x1 > ScopePoint->x1) ? maxPoint : *ScopePoint;

    return maxPoint;

int main()
    Point2D result;

    result = returnMaxPointV1(true);
    std::cout << "result1: (" << result.x1 << "," << result.x2 << ")" << std::endl;
    result = returnMaxPointV1(false);
    std::cout << "result2: (" << result.x1 << "," << result.x2 << ")" << std::endl;

    result = returnMaxPointV2(true);
    std::cout << "result3: (" << result.x1 << "," << result.x2 << ")" << std::endl;
    result = returnMaxPointV2(false);
    std::cout << "result4: (" << result.x1 << "," << result.x2 << ")" << std::endl;



result1: (10,2)
result2: (10,4)
result3: (10,2)
result4: (10,4)