如何使用 draft-js-mention-plugin 以编程方式添加提及?

How to programatically add mentions using draft-js-mention-plugin?


我正在尝试为使用 draft-js + draft-js-mention-plugin 创建的内容创建一个编辑界面。但是,editorState 没有持久化,只有纯文本。提及被保存为对象数组。现在我需要用这些数据重新创建 editorState。



const content = '@marcello we need to add spell check'

还有一个 mentions 数组,其中包含这样的对象:

const mentions = [{
  length: 8,
  offset: 0,
  user: 'user:59441f5c37b1e209c300547d',

要使用纯文本创建 editorState,我使用了这些行:

const contentState = ContentState.createFromText(content)


现在我需要一种方法来添加基于 mentions 个对象的提及。


我如何 "hacked" 我的解决方案:

// Imports
import { EditorState,convertToRaw, ContentState, convertFromRaw, genKey, ContentBlock  } from 'draft-js';
// Init some kind of block with a mention
let exampleState = {
  blocks: [
          key: genKey(), //Use the genKey function from draft
          text: 'Some text with mention',
          type: 'unstyled',
          inlineStyleRanges: [],
          data: {},
          depth: 0,
          entityRanges: [
            { offset: 15, length: 7, key: 0 }
  entityMap: [
    "0": {
      "type": "mention",
      "mutability": "SEGMENTED",
      "data": {
        "mention": {
          "name": "<name>",
          "link": "<link>",
          "avatar": "<avatar-url>"
this.state.editorState = EditorState.createWithContent(convertFromRaw(exampleState));

在这里你可以创建一些函数来输入你的文本并输出一个entityRange return a offset/length 并用你突出显示的东西替换"entityRanges"数组!

在这个例子中,单词 "mention" 会随着您使用提及插件的任何样式突出显示


您可以使用草稿中的 ContentBlock class 或创建您自己的实现以使其更漂亮

这是我设法添加提及 (#)(使用 entityMap,到状态末尾的新块)的解决方案。它可以作为提及被检索等等...... 当然可以简化,但它对我来说符合预期。

 // import {....} from 'draft-js';
 import Immutable, {List, Repeat} from 'immutable' ;

  const addMentionLast = (editorState, mentionData) => {
    if(!mentionData.id) return;

    // debugger;
    const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
    const oldBlockMap = contentState.getBlockMap();
    const lastKey = lastNonEmptyKey(contentState);
    const charData = CharacterMetadata.create();
    //new state with mention
    const selection = editorState.getSelection();
    const entityKey = Entity.create('#mention', 'SEGMENTED', {"mention":{...mentionData }} );
    //add text 
    const textWithEntity = Modifier.insertText(contentState, selection , `#${mentionData.name}` , null,  entityKey); 
    const _editorState = EditorState.push(editorState,  textWithEntity ,  'insert-characters');
    //create new block
    const _newBlock = new ContentBlock({
      key:  genKey(),
      type: 'unstyled',
      depth: 0,
      text: mentionData.name,
      characterList: List(Repeat(charData, mentionData.name.length)),

    //set the entity
    const __newBlock =  applyEntityToContentBlock(_newBlock,0, mentionData.name.length, entityKey)

    //set new block in order..
    const blocksMap =
      Immutable.OrderedMap().withMutations(map => {
        if (lastKey) {
          //after the last non empty:
          for (let [k, v] of oldBlockMap.entries()) {
            map.set(k, v);
            if (lastKey === k) {
              map.set(k, v);
              map.set(__newBlock.key, __newBlock);
        else {
          // first line:
          map.set(__newBlock.key, __newBlock);
    return EditorState.push(
            .set('selectionBefore', contentState.getSelectionBefore())
            .set('selectionAfter', contentState.getSelectionAfter())


  function lastNonEmptyKey (content){
    const lastNonEmpty = content.getBlockMap().reverse().skipUntil((block, _) => block.getLength()).first();
 if (lastNonEmpty) return lastNonEmpty.getKey();


使用 "draft-js": "^0.11.6""draft-js-mention-plugin": "^3.1.5" 你可以做到

const stateWithEntity = editorState.getCurrentContent().createEntity(
    mention: {id: 'foobar', name: 'foobar', link: 'https://www.facebook.com/foobar'},
const entityKey = stateWithEntity.getLastCreatedEntityKey()
const stateWithText = Modifier.insertText(stateWithEntity, editorState.getSelection(), 'foobar', null, entityKey)
EditorState.push(editorState, stateWithText)

您可能会发现此 https://github.com/draft-js-plugins/draft-js-plugins/issues/915#issuecomment-386579249 and https://github.com/draft-js-plugins/draft-js-plugins/issues/983#issuecomment-382150332 有帮助