Attribute not saving to Model in boot method
创建新模型实例时,未保存 'slug' 属性。我检查了 boot
方法中的 creating
事件是否被调用。但是,在修补程序中,我可以看到属性中没有 'slug' 键。是什么赋予了?对于我的生活,我找不到我的错误。
App\Models\TicketType::create(['title'=>'My title']);
Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'slug' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `ticket_types` (`title`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (my title, 2017-11-16 08:13:17, 2017-11-16 08:13:17))'
namespace App\Models;
use App\Models\Abstracts\TypeModelAbstract;
use App\Models\Interfaces\TypeModelInterface;
use App\Traits\HasSlug;
class TicketType extends TypeModelAbstract implements TypeModelInterface {
use HasSlug;
protected $fillable = [
public static function boot() {
static::creating(function ($item) {
\Log::debug('slug is ' . $item->slug, $item->attributes);
// Here $item->slug is correct, but the slug is not in the attributes array
namespace App\Traits;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
trait HasSlug {
public function sluggable() {
if (!$this->getSlug()) {
$slug = $this->buildSlug();
return $this;
public function refreshSlug() {
return $this;
protected function setSlug($slug) {
// $save_to = static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute ?? 'slug'; -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$save_to = isset(static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute) ? static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute : 'slug';
$this->attributes[$save_to] = $slug;
// $this->setAttribute($save_to, $slug);
return $this;
* @return \Eloquent
public function getSlug() {
// $save_to = static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute ?? 'slug'; -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$save_to = isset(static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute) ? static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute : 'slug';
// return $this->getAttribute($save_to);
return $this->$save_to;
* @return string
protected static function getRand() {
$length = 11;
$chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
$size = strlen($chars);
$str = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$str .= $chars[rand(0, $size - 1)];
return $str;
* @param string $str;
* @return string;
protected function mod($str) {
// if (static::$sluggable_uppercase ?? false ) { -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$uppercase = isset(static::$sluggable_uppercase) ? static::$sluggable_uppercase : false;
if ( $uppercase ) {
return strtoupper($str);
} else {
return $str;
* @return string
protected function buildSlug() {
// $attr = static::$sluggable_build_from_attribute ?? 'title'; -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$attr = isset(static::$sluggable_build_from_attribute) ? static::$sluggable_build_from_attribute : 'title';
$string = $attr && $this->$attr ? $this->$attr : static::getRand();
return $this->bestSlugFrom($string);
* @param string $string
* @return string
public function bestSlugFrom($string) {
$original = $slug = $this->mod(static::sluggify($string));
$i = 1;
while (static::findBySlug($slug, true)) {
$slug = $original . '-' . $i;
return $slug;
* Sluggify a string
* @param string $text
* @return string
public static function sluggify($text) {
$text = str_replace(array('#', 'ω'), array(' sharp', ' omega'), $text); // replace non letter or digits by -
return str_slug($text);
* Get a model by the slug
* @param string $slug
* @param bool $includeTrashed
* @return static
public static function findBySlug($slug, $includeTrashed = false ) {
// $slugAttr = static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute ?? 'slug'; -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$slugAttr = isset(static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute) ? static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute : 'slug';
return Cache::remember( get_called_class() . "_bySlug_{$slug}_{$includeTrashed}", 1, function () use ($slug, $includeTrashed, $slugAttr) {
$q = static::where($slugAttr ?? 'slug', $slug);
if ( $includeTrashed && method_exists(get_called_class(), 'bootSoftDeletingTrait') ) {
/* Make sure the model has soft deletes before calling this method */
return $q->first();
呸!我有一个遗传特征 getSlugAttribute($value)
创建新模型实例时,未保存 'slug' 属性。我检查了 boot
方法中的 creating
事件是否被调用。但是,在修补程序中,我可以看到属性中没有 'slug' 键。是什么赋予了?对于我的生活,我找不到我的错误。
App\Models\TicketType::create(['title'=>'My title']);
Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'slug' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `ticket_types` (`title`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (my title, 2017-11-16 08:13:17, 2017-11-16 08:13:17))'
namespace App\Models;
use App\Models\Abstracts\TypeModelAbstract;
use App\Models\Interfaces\TypeModelInterface;
use App\Traits\HasSlug;
class TicketType extends TypeModelAbstract implements TypeModelInterface {
use HasSlug;
protected $fillable = [
public static function boot() {
static::creating(function ($item) {
\Log::debug('slug is ' . $item->slug, $item->attributes);
// Here $item->slug is correct, but the slug is not in the attributes array
namespace App\Traits;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
trait HasSlug {
public function sluggable() {
if (!$this->getSlug()) {
$slug = $this->buildSlug();
return $this;
public function refreshSlug() {
return $this;
protected function setSlug($slug) {
// $save_to = static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute ?? 'slug'; -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$save_to = isset(static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute) ? static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute : 'slug';
$this->attributes[$save_to] = $slug;
// $this->setAttribute($save_to, $slug);
return $this;
* @return \Eloquent
public function getSlug() {
// $save_to = static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute ?? 'slug'; -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$save_to = isset(static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute) ? static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute : 'slug';
// return $this->getAttribute($save_to);
return $this->$save_to;
* @return string
protected static function getRand() {
$length = 11;
$chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
$size = strlen($chars);
$str = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$str .= $chars[rand(0, $size - 1)];
return $str;
* @param string $str;
* @return string;
protected function mod($str) {
// if (static::$sluggable_uppercase ?? false ) { -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$uppercase = isset(static::$sluggable_uppercase) ? static::$sluggable_uppercase : false;
if ( $uppercase ) {
return strtoupper($str);
} else {
return $str;
* @return string
protected function buildSlug() {
// $attr = static::$sluggable_build_from_attribute ?? 'title'; -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$attr = isset(static::$sluggable_build_from_attribute) ? static::$sluggable_build_from_attribute : 'title';
$string = $attr && $this->$attr ? $this->$attr : static::getRand();
return $this->bestSlugFrom($string);
* @param string $string
* @return string
public function bestSlugFrom($string) {
$original = $slug = $this->mod(static::sluggify($string));
$i = 1;
while (static::findBySlug($slug, true)) {
$slug = $original . '-' . $i;
return $slug;
* Sluggify a string
* @param string $text
* @return string
public static function sluggify($text) {
$text = str_replace(array('#', 'ω'), array(' sharp', ' omega'), $text); // replace non letter or digits by -
return str_slug($text);
* Get a model by the slug
* @param string $slug
* @param bool $includeTrashed
* @return static
public static function findBySlug($slug, $includeTrashed = false ) {
// $slugAttr = static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute ?? 'slug'; -- PHP bug fixed in 7.0.19 and 7.1.5
$slugAttr = isset(static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute) ? static::$sluggable_save_to_attribute : 'slug';
return Cache::remember( get_called_class() . "_bySlug_{$slug}_{$includeTrashed}", 1, function () use ($slug, $includeTrashed, $slugAttr) {
$q = static::where($slugAttr ?? 'slug', $slug);
if ( $includeTrashed && method_exists(get_called_class(), 'bootSoftDeletingTrait') ) {
/* Make sure the model has soft deletes before calling this method */
return $q->first();
呸!我有一个遗传特征 getSlugAttribute($value)