'yield from' 替换为 Python 2

'yield from' substitute in Python 2

我的代码使用 yield from in python3 in recursive calls and it works perfectly fine. The problem right now is that this was introduced from PEP-380 in python 3.3 and I need it to work in python 2.7。我阅读了几篇文章,其中 none 足够详细或足够简单。



我重新创建了一个小示例代码 (它采用多级列表和 returns 扁平化列表)与我的要求相比,非常简约

#python 3
def foo(obj):
    for ele in obj:
        if isinstance(ele, list):
            yield from foo(ele)
            yield ele


>>> l = [1, [2, 3, [4,5]]]
>>> list(foo(l))
=>  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

由于 yield from 不可用,相同的转换在 python 2.7 中不起作用。



def foo(obj):
    for ele in obj:
        if isinstance(ele, list):
            for res in foo(ele):
                yield res
            yield ele


没有更好的选择,除了升级到 Python 3.

yield from 本质上将循环的责任传递给调用者,并将任何 generator.send()generator.throw() 调用传递回委托生成器。您不需要传递 .send().throw(),所以剩下的就是自己负责循环。


>>> import sys
>>> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=14, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
>>> def foo(obj):
...     for ele in obj:
...         if isinstance(ele, list):
...             for res in foo(ele):
...                 yield res
...         else:
...             yield ele
>>> l = [1, [2, 3, [4,5]]]
>>> list(foo(l))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

yield from 是在 PEP 380 -- Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator(不是 PEP 342)中引入的,特别是因为子生成器上的循环不会委托 generator.throw()generator.send() 信息。

PEP 明确指出:

If yielding of values is the only concern, this can be performed without much difficulty using a loop such as

for v in g:
    yield v

Formal Semantics 有一个 Python 实现等价物,乍一看可能令人生畏,但您仍然可以看出它 循环 (使用 while 1:,当出现异常或StopIteration被处理时循环结束,用next()generator.send(..)检索新值,并产生结果(用yield _y) .

为什么说"my code cannot work with loops and needs to be recursive"?您可以轻松地在递归生成器中使用循环:

def foo(obj):
    for ele in obj:
        if isinstance(ele, list):
            #yield from foo(ele)
            for t in foo(ele):
                yield t 
            yield ele

l = [1, [2, 3, [4, 5]]]
print list(foo(l))


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]