class 的非静态方法如何在不创建前者对象的情况下从另一个不同的 class' 方法静态调用?

How does the non-static method of a class is getting called statically from another different class' method without creating the object of former?

我正在使用 PHP 7.1.11


  class A {
    function foo() {
      if (isset($this)) {
        echo '$this is defined (';
        echo get_class($this);
        echo ")\n";
      } else {
        echo "$this is not defined.\n";

  class B {
    function bar() {

  $a = new A();

  $b = new B();



$this is defined (A)
$this is not defined.
$this is not defined.
$this is not defined.

除了输出中的第一行之外,接下来的三行输出是通过静态调用 class A 中存在的非静态方法 foo() 生成的(即不创建对象class A).


如何从正在考虑的 class 的 class/ 对象静态调用来自另一个 class 的非静态方法(即此处的 class B)?


Note: PHP is very loose with static vs. non-static methods

但是:不应该静态调用非静态方法(即使 PHP 是容忍的)。为什么?


有时非静态方法不依赖于实例,因此程序仍然可以运行,因为此方法可能是静态的。 但你永远不应该这样做

此外 - 如果您打开错误报告,PHP 也会告诉您:

$this is defined (A)
Deprecated: Non-static method A::foo() should not be called statically in [...][...] on line 25
$this is not defined.
Deprecated: Non-static method A::foo() should not be called statically in [...][...] on line 18
$this is not defined.
Deprecated: Non-static method B::bar() should not be called statically in [...][...] on line 29

Deprecated: Non-static method A::foo() should not be called statically in [...][...] on line 18
$this is not defined.

已弃用还意味着:仅仅因为 PHP 仍然允许这样做,它很可能会在以后的 PHP 更新中被删除。