禁用绑定不适用于使用 *ngFor 生成的复选框

Disabled binding not working for checkboxes generated with *ngFor

我有一个要绑定到复选框的对象列表。我遇到的问题是,当我只想禁用列表中的特定复选框时,我的所有复选框都将被禁用。设置 *ngfor 和复选框的正确方法是什么?我在这里使用 PrimeNg checkbox,但如果您知道常规复选框,那将是一个有用的垫脚石。

component.ts 有这个:

 this.options = [
            { name: "A", checked: true, disabled: true },
            { name: "B", checked: false, disabled: false },
            { name: "C", checked: false, disabled: false },


<div class="form-group row">
    <span *ngFor="let test of options; let i=index" class="col-sm-4">
        <p-checkbox binary="true" [(ngModel)]="test.checked" label="{{test.name}}"
            [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" disabled="{{test.disabled}}"></p-checkbox>


// this will always set a disabled attribute. Problem is, as soon as the attribute exists,
//  the browser disables the input. As a result, all your inputs are disabled

// this binds to the DOM property, not the element attribute. When the property is false
// the browser removes the attribute from the DOM and the input is enabled