组装中的摩托罗拉 68000 存储

Motorola 68000 Storage in Assembly

编写此程序是为了接受 space 带四个标记的定界用户输入,如果它们都是数字,则将这些标记加在一起,并将结果打印到终端。现在它适用于诸如“1 1 1 1”和“123 123 123 123”之类的数字,但是当我尝试添加 4 个七位数长的数字(7 位数,因为这是极端情况)时,它只会添加最多 23068。这听起来像是我的某个标签或其他东西的尺寸问题,但我不确定。


        ORG     [=10=]
        DC.L    00           * Stack pointer value after a reset
        DC.L    start           * Program counter value after a reset
        ORG     00           * Start at location 3000 Hex
#minclude /home/cs/faculty/cs237/bsvc/macros/iomacs.s
#minclude /home/cs/faculty/cs237/bsvc/macros/evtmacs.s
* Register use
start:  initIO                  * Initialize (required for I/O)
    setEVT          * Error handling routines
*   initF           * For floating point macros only    

                * Your code goes HERE
*Output info:               
    lineout header      *Display header info
    lineout prompt      *Display prompt
    linein  buffer      *Read input to buffer

    lea buffer,A1       *
    adda.l  D0,A1       *Add null terminator
    clr.b   (A1)        *

    lea buffer,A1       *Reload the beginning of buffer address

    move.l  #1,D1       *D1 is input counter and starts at 1

    clr.l   D2          *
    clr.l   D3          *Prepping registers for calculations
    move.l  #0,result   *

    move.l  A1,A2       *Duplicating address to use for strlen

    tst.b   (A1)        *Check for end of string
    BEQ rest            *If end, go to rest

    cmpi.b  #47,(A1)    *Check current byte against low end of ascii numbers
    BGT toprange        *This means byte *might* be an ascii number

    cmpi.b  #32,(A1)    *Byte is below range for numbers. Is it a space?
    BNE notno           *If this triggers, it's not a space and not a number. Exit.

    cmpi.b  #32,1(A1)   *Is the character after this a space? If yes, loop to top.
    BNE addit           *If not, it's either another valid byte or null terminator. 

    adda.l  #1,A1       *Increment token counter and loop to top.
    BRA     top 

    cmpi.b  #57,(A1)    *Is byte value higher than ascii numbers range?
    BGT notno           *If yes, it's not an ascii number. Exit. 

    cmpi.b  #32,1(A1)   *Is the byte after this a space?
    BEQ endoftoken      *If yes, that means this is the end of the token.

    tst.b   1(A1)       *If not, is this byte a null terminator?
    BEQ endoftoken      *If yes, this is the last token. Add it.

    adda.l  #1,A1       *Else increment the address pointer and loop.
    BRA top

    adda.l  #1,A1       *Increment pointer
    move.l  A1,D2       *
    sub.l   A2,D2       *Find length of token

    cvta2   (A2),D2     *Convert current token segment to number
    add.l   D0,result   *Add converted number to result address.
    BRA     top         *Loop to top.

    tst.b   1(A1)       *Test for null
    BEQ endoftoken      *If null, go endof token to add it to running total

    addi.l  #1,D1       *If next byte isn't null, there might be more tokens. Incr & cont.
    adda.l  #1,A1   

    move.l  A1,A2       *Shift token starting point pointer forward
    BRA top 

    cmpi.l  #4,D1       *Check to make sure we have 4 tokens
    BNE incnums         *If not, exit on error

    move.l  result,D0   *Convert numbers back to text representations
    ext.l   D0
    cvt2a   result,#8
    stripp  result,#8
    lea result,A0
    adda.l  D0,A0
    clr.b   (A0)

    lea sum,A1          *Point to first bit of text for strcat
    lea output,A2       *Point to destination during copying
    tst.b   (A1)        *Null?
    BEQ strcat2         *Go to next segment of code
    move.b  (A1)+,(A2)+ *If not null, copy from A1 to A2. Post increment
    BRA strcat1

    move.b  #32,(A2)+   *Append space. Post increment
    lea result,A1       *Point to calculated result

    tst.b   (A1)        *Is this byte null?
    BEQ printr          *If yes, go to print response.  
    move.b  (A1)+,(A2)+ *If not, copy byte to output string. 
    BRA strcat3

    move.b  #46,(A2)+   *Append period to output string. 
    clr.b   (A2)        *Null terminate the string. 
    lineout output      *Print built string to terminal.
    BRA end 

    lineout incno       *If here, there were not the correct number of tokens.
    BRA end

    cmpi.b  #1,D1       *This checks the token counter to determine which token was not a #
    BNE ch2
    lineout bn1
    BRA end

    cmpi.b  #2,D1
    BNE ch3
    lineout bn2
    BRA     end

    cmpi.b  #3,D1
    BNE ch4
    lineout bn3
    BRA end

    lineout bn4


*Output result

        break                   * Terminate execution
*       Storage declarations

prompt: dc.b    'Enter the four space separated numbers:',0
sum:    dc.b    'The sum is',0
incno:  dc.b    'There are not four inputs.',0
buffer: ds.b    80
result: ds.l    3
output: ds.l    3
bn1:    dc.b    'The #1 input is not a number',0
bn2:    dc.b    'The #2 input is not a number',0
bn3:    dc.b    'The #3 input is not a number',0
bn4:    dc.b    'The #4 input is not a number',0

编辑 1


当我输入“9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999”并设置断点观看时,内存会正确显示26259FC的十六进制值,所以当我使用提供的宏将其转换回来时出现问题。


编辑2: 此代码已在 Sep Rowland 的指导下进行了修订(非常感谢)。我想我得到了他涵盖的所有内容,修改后的代码已作为答案提交。

初始问题: ext.l 指令。 Sep Rowland 在提供的其他答案之一中解释了这一点。

其他修订: 在Sep的指导下,我在几个方面优化了代码。

+1 用于内存查看器和断点。

* Problem statement: Read input and determine if 4 numbers are provided. Add numbers.
* Input: ### ### ### ###
* Output: "The sum is ###"
* Error conditions tested: Correct number of data provided. Number vs Char
*  Also handles leading white spaces/multiple spaces between tokens
* Included files: None
* Method and/or pseudocode: 
* References: 
        ORG     [=10=]
        DC.L    00           * Stack pointer value after a reset
        DC.L    start           * Program counter value after a reset
        ORG     00           * Start at location 3000 Hex
#minclude /home/cs/faculty/cs237/bsvc/macros/iomacs.s
#minclude /home/cs/faculty/cs237/bsvc/macros/evtmacs.s
* Register use
start:  initIO                  * Initialize (required for I/O)
    setEVT          * Error handling routines
*   initF           * For floating point macros only    

    lineout header      *Display header info
    lineout prompt      *Display prompt
    linein  buffer      *Read input to buffer
    lea buffer,A1       *
    adda.l  D0,A1       *Add null terminator
    clr.b   (A1)        *   
    lea buffer,A1       *Reload the beginning of buffer address
    clr.l   D1          *D1 is input counter and starts at 0
    clr.l   D2          *D2 used as workspace
    move.l  #0,result   *Clearing garbage out of memory address
    move.l  A1,A2       *A2 used for strlen

    tst.b   (A1)        *Check for end of string
    BEQ rest            *If end, go to rest

    cmpi.b  #47,(A1)    *Check current byte against low end of ascii numbers
    BGT checktoprange   *This means byte *might* be an ascii number

    cmpi.b  #32,(A1)
    BNE notnumber

whitespace:             *This will eat whitespace anywhere in buffer
    addq.l  #1,A1       *If we are here, we know current location is space
    cmpi.b  #32,(A1)    *So increment pointer and check for additional spaces
    BEQ whitespace
    move.l  A1,A2       *If we are here, we encountered a token
    BRA top             *Shift our pointer for token start location

    cmpi.b  #57,(A1)    *Is byte value higher than ascii numbers range?
    BGT notnumber       *If yes, it's not an ascii number. Exit. 

    cmpi.b  #32,1(A1)   *Is the byte after this a space?
    BEQ endoftoken      *If yes, that means this is the end of the token.

    tst.b   1(A1)       *If not, is this byte a null terminator?
    BEQ endoftoken      *If yes, this is the last token. Add it.

    addq.l  #1,A1       *Else increment the address pointer and loop.
    BRA top

    addq.l  #1,A1       *Increment pointer
    move.l  A1,D2       *
    sub.l   A2,D2       *Find length of token

    cvta2   (A2),D2     *Convert current token segment to number

    add.l   D0,result   *Add converted number to result address.
    addq.l  #1,D1       *Increment token counter
    BRA     top         

    cmpi.l  #4,D1       *Check to make sure we have 4 tokens
    BNE incnums         *If not, exit on error

    move.l  result,D0   *Convert numbers back to text representations
    cvt2a   result,#8
    stripp  result,#8
    lea result,A0
    adda.l  D0,A0
    move.b  #46,(A0)+
    clr.b   (A0)
    lineout sum
    BRA end

    lineout incno       *If here, there were not the correct number of tokens.
    BRA end

    lea bn,A1
    addi.b  #49,D1       *From number to character
    move.b  D1,5(A1)     *Replaces the dot in the error message
    lineout bn


        break                   * Terminate execution
*       Storage declarations

header: dc.b    'This is a header',0
prompt: dc.b    'Enter the four space separated numbers:',0
incno:  dc.b    'There are not four inputs.',0
buffer: ds.b    80
bn:     dc.b    'The #. input is not a number',0
sum:    dc.b    'The sum is '
result: ds.l    1


错误(您已经发现)是 ext.l D0。鉴于此指令对 D0 中的低位字进行符号扩展,结果不一致也就不足为奇了。

我很少有机会深入研究一些好的 68K 代码,所以在这里我提出一些可以改进您的程序的评论。

addi.l  #1,D1
adda.l  #1,A1

您可以编写从#1 到#8 的这些小添加,如果您使用 addq 指令则更优化:

addq.l  #1,D1
addq.l  #1,A1

当某个输入不是数字时显示错误信息,如果将D1中的数字(1-4)转换成字符("1"-"4)就可以写得更简单") 并将其写在单个错误消息中:

lea     bn,A1
addi.b  #48,D1   *From number to character
move.b  D1,5(A1) *Replaces the dot in the error message
lineout bn


bn:     dc.b    'The #. input is not a number',0

output: ds.l    3

你只有 12 个字节,但你首先复制 10 个字符长的 sum 消息,添加一个 space,添加几个字符长的结果,添加一个句点并添加一个零.显然是缓冲区溢出。
现在你可以让这个缓冲区更长,或者智能地停止复制周围的一切,只需将 result 缓冲区放在 sum 消息旁边(带有 space 追加且没有终止零)。然后一次性显示组合的 sumresult 文本。一个更简单的解决方案。

move.l  result,D0   *Convert numbers back to text representations
cvt2a   result,#8
stripp  result,#8
lea     result,A2
adda.l  D0,A2
move.b  #46,(A2)+   *Append period to output string. 
clr.b   (A2)        *Null terminate the string. 
lineout sum         *Print built string to terminal.
BRA end 

sum:    dc.b    'The sum is '
result: ds.l    3

cmpi.b  #32,1(A1)   *Is the character after this a space? If yes, loop to top.
BNE     addit       *If not, it's either another valid byte or null terminator. 

adda.l  #1,A1       *Increment token counter and loop to top.
BRA     top 


无需 BRA 一直到 top,在那里您将不必要地进行 3 次测试。

    cmpi.b  #32,1(A1)
    BNE     addit
    addq.l  #1,A1
    BRA     SkipWhitespace

    move.l  A1,A2       *Duplicating address to use for strlen


    move.l  A1,A2       *Shift token starting point pointer forward
    BRA     top


    move.l  A1,A2       *Duplicating address to use for strlen


    BRA     topEx