
Single precision in Fixed Point Arithmetic

对于使用定点算法的泰勒级数计算,我需要最多 6 位小数的精度。我尝试了不同的定点格式来实现小数点后 6 位的精度。

例如, 使用 s16.15(左移 15)格式,我得到了最多 2 个小数位精度。1 个符号位,16 个整数位和 15 个小数位。

对于 s8.23(左移 23 位)格式最多 4 位小数和 s4.27(左移 27 位)格式,精度仍然相同。我期待情况会有所改善。



  // These are converted constants into s4.27 fixed point format
  const int32_t con=0x0B8AA3B3; //1.44269504088895
  const int32_t c0=0x033E647E; //0.40546510810816
  const int32_t c1=0x05555555; //0.66666666666666
  const int32_t c2=0x01C71C72; //0.222222222222
  const int32_t c3=0x00CA4588; //0.0987654321
  const int32_t c4=0x006522C4; //0.04938271605
  const int32_t c5=0x0035F069; //0.02633744856
  const int32_t c6=0x001DF757; //0.01463191587

//Expanded taylor series    
// Multiplication function
int32_t mul(int32_t x, int32_t y)
int32_t mul;
mul=((((x)>>13)*((y)>>13))>>1); // for s4.27 format, the best possible right shift
return mul;

上面提到的代码片段在 C 中使用。

我需要的结果:0.584963 但我得到的结果是:0.584949


OP 的 mul() 丢掉了太多的精度。

(x)>>13)*((y)>>13) 立即丢弃 xy.

的最低有效 13 位

而是执行 64 位乘法

int32_t mul_better(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
  int64_t mul = x;
  mul *= y;
  mul >>= 27;

  // Code may want to detect overflow here (not shown)

  return (int32_t) mul;


int32_t mul_better(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
  int64_t mul = x;
  mul *= y;
  int32_t least = mul % ((int32_t)1 << 27);
  mul /= (int32_t)1 << 27;
  int carry = 0;
  if (least >= 0) {
    if (least >  ((int32_t)1 << 26) carry = 1;
    else if ((least ==  ((int32_t)1 << 26)) && (mul % 2)) carry = 1;
  } else {
    if (-least > ((int32_t)1 << 26) carry = -1;
    else if ((-least ==  ((int32_t)1 << 26)) && (mul % 2)) carry = -1;
  return (int32_t) (mul + carry);

int32_t mul(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
  int64_t mul = x;
  mul *= y;
  return mul >> 27;

void foo(double x) {
  int32_t q = (int32_t) (x * (1 << 27));  // **
  int32_t taylor =
      c0 + mul(q, (c1 - mul(q, (c2  + mul(q,
      (c3 - mul(q, (c4 - mul(q, (c5 + mul(q, c6)))))))))));
  printf("%f %f\n", x,  taylor * 1.0 / (1 << 27));

int main(void) {


0.303609 0.584963

** 也可以在这里舍入而不是简单地将 FP 截断为整数。