用 math.js 求解 Lotka–Volterra 方程

Solving Lotka–Volterra equations with math.js

math.js主页上有一个解微分方程的例子math.js,但是比较复杂,没有提供足够的信息让我个人能够应用math.js对于其他类似问题。所以,我要做的是解决 Lotka–Volterra equations for predator-prey simulation。系统中有两个方程:

dx/dt = ax - bxy

dy/dt = cxy - y

在 math.js 中完成此操作,我得到了

const sim2 = math.parser();
sim2.eval("dxdt(x, y) = x - x * y");
sim2.eval("dydt(x, y) = x * y - y");
sim2.eval("dt = 1.0 s");                // Simulation timestep
sim2.eval("x0 = 0");
sim2.eval("y0 = 0");
sim2.eval("tfinal = 100 s");          // Simulation duration
sim2.eval("result_stage1 = ndsolve([dxdt, dydt], [x0, y0], dt, tfinal)");

其中 ndsolve 来自火箭轨迹示例:http://mathjs.org/examples/browser/rocket_trajectory_optimization.html.html

function ndsolve(f, x0, dt, tmax) {
    var n = f.size()[0];  // Number of variables
    var x = x0.clone();   // Current values of variables
    var dxdt = [];        // Temporary variable to hold time-derivatives
    var result = [];      // Contains entire solution

    var nsteps = math.divide(tmax, dt);   // Number of time steps
    for(var i=0; i<nsteps; i++) {
        // Compute derivatives
        for(var j=0; j<n; j++) {
            dxdt[j] = f.get([j]).apply(null, x.toArray());
        // Euler method to compute next time step
        for(var j=0; j<n; j++) {
            x.set([j], math.add(x.get([j]), math.multiply(dxdt[j], dt)));

    return math.matrix(result);


Unexpected type of argument in function add (expected: number or Complex or BigNumber or Fraction, actual: Unit, index: 1)



解决方案:删除所有单位,如 's'、'm/s' 等。或者,所有单位都必须匹配。