如何在后台线程上执行 LiveData 转换?

How can I perform LiveData transformations on a background thread?

我需要将 LiveData 对象返回的一种类型的数据转换为另一种形式 在后台线程上 以防止 UI滞后。


所以我需要将我的 LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> 转换为 LiveData<List<MyRichObject>>,但 不在 UI 线程上

Transformations.map(LiveData<X>, Function<X, Y>) 方法执行此所需的转换,但我不能使用它,因为它 在主线程上执行转换:

Applies the given function on the main thread to each value emitted by source LiveData and returns LiveData, which emits resulting values.

The given function func will be executed on the main thread.

什么是进行 LiveData 转换的干净方法:

  1. 在主线程之外的某个地方,并且
  2. 仅在需要时(即仅当某些东西正在观察预期的转换时)?
  • 原始“来源”LiveData can be monitored by a new Observer实例。
  • 这个 Observer 实例,当源 LiveData 被发出时,可以准备一个后台线程来执行所需的转换,然后通过一个新的、“转换后的” LiveData 发出它。
  • 转换后的 LiveData 可以在源 LiveData 有活动的 Observer 时将上述 Observer 附加到源 LiveData,并在没有活动时将其分离,确保来源 LiveData 仅在必要时才被观察。

该问题给出了示例源 LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> 并需要转换后的 LiveData<List<MyRichObject>>。合并后的 LiveDataObserver 看起来像这样:

class MyRichObjectLiveData
        extends LiveData<List<MyRichObject>>
        implements Observer<List<MyDBRow>>
    @NonNull private LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> sourceLiveData;

    MyRichObjectLiveData(@NonNull LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> sourceLiveData) {
        this.sourceLiveData = sourceLiveData;

    // only watch the source LiveData when something is observing this
    // transformed LiveData
    @Override protected void onActive()   { sourceLiveData.observeForever(this); }
    @Override protected void onInactive() { sourceLiveData.removeObserver(this); }

    // receive source LiveData emission
    @Override public void onChanged(@Nullable List<MyDBRow> dbRows) {
        // set up a background thread to complete the transformation
        AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {
            @Override public void run() {
                assert dbRows != null;
                List<MyRichObject> myRichObjects = new LinkedList<>();
                for (MyDBRow myDBRow : myDBRows) {
                // use LiveData method postValue (rather than setValue) on
                // background threads


abstract class TransformedLiveData<Source, Transformed>
        extends LiveData<Transformed>
        implements Observer<Source>
    @Override protected void onActive()   { getSource().observeForever(this); }
    @Override protected void onInactive() { getSource().removeObserver(this); }

    @Override public void onChanged(@Nullable Source source) {
        AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {
            @Override public void run() {

    protected abstract LiveData<Source> getSource();
    protected abstract Transformed getTransformed(Source source);


class MyRichObjectLiveData
        extends TransformedLiveData<List<MyDBRow>, List<MyRichObject>>
    @NonNull private LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> sourceLiveData;

    MyRichObjectLiveData(@NonNull LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> sourceLiveData) {
        this.sourceLiveData = sourceLiveData;

    @Override protected LiveData<List<MyDBRow>> getSource() {
        return sourceLiveData;

    @Override protected List<MyRichObject> getTransformed(List<MyDBRow> myDBRows) {
        List<MyRichObject> myRichObjects = new LinkedList<>();
        for (MyDBRow myDBRow : myDBRows) {
        return myRichObjects;

使用 MediatorLiveData 可能更容易。 Transformations.map() 是通过 MediatorLiveData 实现的。

public static <X, Y> LiveData<Y> mapAsync(
  @NonNull LiveData<X> source,
  @NonNull final Function<X, Y> mapFunction) {
  final MediatorLiveData<Y> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();
  result.addSource(source, new Observer<X>() {
    public void onChanged(@Nullable final X x) {
      AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
  return result;


class RichLiveData(val rows: LiveData<List<MyDBRow>>) : LiveData<List<MyRichObject>>(),
        CoroutineScope by CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default) {

    private val observer = Observer<List<MyDBRow>> { rows ->
        launch {
            postValue(/*computationally expensive stuff which returns a List<MyRichObject>*/)

    override fun onActive() {

    override fun onInactive() {


object BackgroundTransformations {

    fun <X, Y> map(
        source: LiveData<X>,
        mapFunction: (X) -> Y
    ): LiveData<Y> {
        val result = MediatorLiveData<Y>()

        result.addSource(source, Observer<X> { x ->
            if (x == null) return@Observer
            CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {

        return result

    fun <X, Y> switchMap(
        source: LiveData<X>,
        switchMapFunction: (X) -> LiveData<Y>
    ): LiveData<Y> {
        val result = MediatorLiveData<Y>()
        result.addSource(source, object : Observer<X> {
            var mSource: LiveData<Y>? = null

            override fun onChanged(x: X) {
                if (x == null) return

                CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {
                    val newLiveData = switchMapFunction(x)
                    if (mSource == newLiveData) {
                    if (mSource != null) {
                    mSource = newLiveData
                    if (mSource != null) {
                        result.addSource(mSource!!) { y ->
        return result




@Query("SELECT * FROM " + PeriodicElement.TABLE_NAME)
abstract fun getAll(): LiveData<List<PeriodicElement>>

fun getAllElements(): LiveData<HashMap<String, PeriodicElement>> {
    return Transformations.switchMap(getAll(), ::transform)

private fun transform(list: List<PeriodicElement>): LiveData<HashMap<String, PeriodicElement>> {
    val map = HashMap<String, PeriodicElement>()
    val liveData = MutableLiveData(map)

    AsyncTask.execute {
        for (p in list) {
            map[p.symbol] = p

            if (!liveData.hasObservers()) {
                //prevent memory leak
    return liveData

听一个 MediatorLiveData<T> 听另外两个 LiveData<T>


val exposed: LiveData<List<T>> = MediatorLiveData<List<T>>().apply {
    addSource(aLiveDataToMap) { doWorkOnAnotherThread(it) }
    addSource(aMutableLiveData) { value = it }

private fun doWorkOnAnotherThread(t: T) {
    runWorkOnAnotherThread {
        val t2 = /* ... */

每当 aLiveDataToMap 改变时,它会触发 doWorkOnAnotherThread(),然后设置 aMutableLiveData 的值,最终设置为 exposed 的值,这是一个生命周期-老板会听的。将 Ts 替换为您想要的类型。


Kotlin 形式:

fun <X, Y> mapAsync(source: LiveData<X>, mapFunction: androidx.arch.core.util.Function<X, Y>): LiveData<Y> {
    val result = MediatorLiveData<Y>()
    result.addSource(source) { x -> AsyncTask.execute { result.postValue(mapFunction.apply(x)) } }
    return result