Scala 中隐式与幺半群的简单组合

Simple composition of implicits with Monoids in Scala


import scalaz.Monoid

trait Mapper[M, R] {
  def map(m: M): R

object Mapper {
  @inline implicit def listMapper[M, R]
            (implicit mapper: Mapper[M, R], s: Monoid[R]): Mapper[List[M], R] =
    (xs: List[M]) => xs. foldLeft(, m) => s.append(r,

现在我想列出 R = String 的映射器,它产生类似于以下内容的 [mapped_string1, mapped_string2]$%%""mapped_string1, mapped_string2""%%$.


implicit val myStringMonoid: Monoid[String] = new Monoid[String] {
  override def zero = ""
  override def append(f1: String, f2: => String) =
    if (f1.isEmpty) f2
    else if(f2.isEmpty) f1
    else f1 + ", " + f2


println(implicitly[Mapper[List[String], String]].map(List("mapped_string1", "mapped_string2")))

打印 mapped_string1, mapped_string2 不带尖括号.


我的意思是如何在 foldLeft 完成后通常添加一些要调用的额外操作?不与 String 或任何特定类型耦合。

implicit def listMapper[M, R]
    (implicit mapper: Mapper[M, R], s: Monoid[R]): Mapper[List[M], R] = ???

意味着如果你有Mapper[M, R]那么你就有Mapper[List[M], R]。但是要完成这项工作,您应该有一些初始 Mapper[M, R].

所以如果你想要Mapper[List[String], String]你应该添加例如

implicit def stringMapper: Mapper[String, String] = s => s


println(implicitly[Mapper[List[String], String]].map(List("mapped_string1", "mapped_string2"))) 
//mapped_string1, mapped_string2

def addBrackets(s: String, openBracket: String, closingBracket: String) = 
    openBracket + s + closingBracket

val s = implicitly[Mapper[List[String], String]].map(List("mapped_string1", "mapped_string2"))
    println(addBrackets(s, "[", "]"))
//[mapped_string1, mapped_string2]


implicit val myStringMonoid: Monoid[String] = new Monoid[String] {
    override def zero = ""
    override def append(f1: String, f2: => String): String =
      if (f1.isEmpty) f2
      else if(f2.isEmpty) f1
      else f1 + f2 // without  ", "


val l = "[" ::
  List("mapped_string1", "mapped_string2")
    .flatMap(s => List(", ", s))
    .tail ::: List("]")
println(implicitly[Mapper[List[String], String]].map(l))
//[mapped_string1, mapped_string2]