如何让我的 C 程序从文件中读取多行文本?

How can I get my C program to read more than one line of text from a file?


void processFile(FILE* ifp, FILE* ofp) {
char line[1024];
char word[1024];
char* lineptr = line;
char temp;
printf("Begin file processing\n");
while (fgets(line, BIGLINE, ifp) != NULL){

    while(sscanf(lineptr,"%s",word) == true)
        if (strlen(word) >= 4){
            temp = word[1];
            word[1] = word[2];
            word[2] = temp;
        fputs(" ",stdout);
        fputs(" ", ofp);
        lineptr += strlen(word) + 1;


printf("End file processing\n");} /* processFile */


<rpe><div calss="text_to_html">Project Gtuenberg The Avdentures of Sehrlock Hlomes, by Atrhur Cnoan Dyole 


<pre><div class="text_to_html">Project Gutenberg The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle

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正如我在评论中指出的那样,您的主要问题是您需要在 while (fgets(…) != NULL) 循环内重置 lineptr ,然后再开始内部循环。如果您将所有变量都放置在尽可能小的范围内,那么您就不太可能 运行 陷入这个问题——因此 temp 应该在 if 块内定义,而 wordlineptr 应该定义在外循环和内循环之间。您正在处理的第一行是最长的行,这有点不幸;这意味着 lineptr 指向一个空字节。

您应该在 fgets() 的调用中使用 sizeof(line) 而不是 BIGLINE。在计数为 1 的地方使用 true 也不合适(尽管在技术上不正确)。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

static void processFile(FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp)
    char line[1024];
    printf("Begin file processing\n");
    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), ifp) != NULL)
        char word[1024];
        char *lineptr = line;
        while (sscanf(lineptr, "%s", word) == 1)
            if (strlen(word) >= 4)
                char temp = word[1];
                word[1] = word[2];
                word[2] = temp;
            fputs(word, stdout);
            fputs(word, ofp);
            fputs(" ", stdout);
            fputs(" ", ofp);
            lineptr += strlen(word) + 1;
    printf("End file processing\n");

int main(void)
    processFile(stdin, stderr);
    return 0;

当从 rf79.c 编译成 rf79 和 运行 并将标准错误重定向到 /dev/null 时,我得到输出:

$ ./rf79 < data 2>/dev/null
Begin file processing
<rpe><div calss="text_to_html">Project Gtuenberg The Avdentures of Sehrlock Hlomes, by Atrhur Cnoan Dyole 

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End file processing
