how to batch move files date filename folder?
我有很多名为 YYYYMMDD_HHmm.jpg
您可以使用 for
循环、子字符串和 mkdir
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a-d') do (
set filename=%%a
::exclude this file
if not "!filename!" == "%~nx0" (
::substr to grab characters 0-4 and 4-6 as year and month
set year=!filename:~0,4!
set month=!filename:~4,2!
::make dirs for the files if they don't already exist
if not exist !year! mkdir !year!
if not exist !year!\!month! mkdir !year!\!month!
::move the files there
move !filename! !year!\!month!
for 循环运行 dir /b /a-d
其中 returns 当前目录中除文件夹之外的所有文件。子字符串表示法是 !variable:~start,length!
What is the best way to do a substring in a batch file?
for %a in (*.jpg) do @set "FName=%~a"&call xcopy "%FName%" "%FName:~0,4%\%FName:~4,2%\"&&del "%~a"&set "FName="
我有很多名为 YYYYMMDD_HHmm.jpg
您可以使用 for
循环、子字符串和 mkdir
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a-d') do (
set filename=%%a
::exclude this file
if not "!filename!" == "%~nx0" (
::substr to grab characters 0-4 and 4-6 as year and month
set year=!filename:~0,4!
set month=!filename:~4,2!
::make dirs for the files if they don't already exist
if not exist !year! mkdir !year!
if not exist !year!\!month! mkdir !year!\!month!
::move the files there
move !filename! !year!\!month!
for 循环运行 dir /b /a-d
其中 returns 当前目录中除文件夹之外的所有文件。子字符串表示法是 !variable:~start,length!
What is the best way to do a substring in a batch file?
for %a in (*.jpg) do @set "FName=%~a"&call xcopy "%FName%" "%FName:~0,4%\%FName:~4,2%\"&&del "%~a"&set "FName="