我们如何将 Mono<List<Type>> 转换为 Flux<Type>

How do we convert a Mono<List<Type>> to a Flux<Type>


Mono<TheResponseObject> getItemById(String id){
    return webClient.uri('/foo').retrieve().bodyToMono(TheResponseObject)

Mono<List<String>> getItemIds(){
    return webClient.uri('/ids').retrieve().bodyToMono(List)

Mono<RichResonseObject> getRichResponse(){
    Mono<List> listOfIds = Mono.getItemIds()
    listOfIds.each({ String id ->
        ? << getItemById(id) //<<< how do we convert a list of ids in a Mono to a Flux
    Mono<Object> someOtherMono = getOtherMono()
    return Mono.zip((? as Flux).collectAsList(), someOtherMono).map({
        Tuple2<List, Object> pair ->
        return new RichResonseObject(pair.getT1(), pair.getT2())

What approaches are possible to convert a Mono<List<String>> to a Flux<String>?

这应该有效。给定 Mono

  Mono<List<String>> listOfIds;

  Flux<String> idFlux = listOfIds
    .flatMapMany(ids -> Flux.fromArray(ids.toArray(new String [0])));



请查找以下代码: 第一次将 Mono<List<String>> 转换为 Flux<List<String>> 并将 Flux<List<String>> 转换为 Flux<String>

List<String> asList = Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C", "D");
Flux<String> flatMap = Mono.just(asList).flux().flatMap(a-> Flux.fromIterable(a));

或者您可以使用 flatmapmany :

Flux<String> flatMapMany = Mono.just(asList).flatMapMany(x-> Flux.fromIterable(x));