
Implementing Adaptive function plotting


https://www.andr.mu/logs/acquiring-samples-to-plot-a-math-function-adaptive/ http://yacas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/book_of_algorithms/basic.html


(1) 正在创建重复的坐标。我知道这是因为分裂,每个分裂都保留两端,所以一个间隔的结束是另一个间隔的开始 - 相同的 x 值被评估两次。但是有没有办法设置算法以避免重复坐标。我可以避免将开始或结束坐标添加为脏修复(请参阅下面代码中的注释)但是我会在整个时间间隔内遗漏其中一个。

(2) 该图的某些部分缺少本质上是对称函数的坐标,这很奇怪。该算法对双方都应该以相同的方式工作,但事实并非如此。这在深度 >= 6 时开始发生,它对函数的右侧进行了额外的分割,而对原点周围的左侧没有任何分割。远离原点的其余坐标似乎匹配。总体而言,右侧似乎比左侧分裂得更多。



static List<Double[]> linePoints;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    linePoints =  new ArrayList<>();

    double startX = -50;
    double endX = 50;

    sampling(startX, endX, depth, tolerance);

    /* Print all points to be plotted - x,y coordinates */
    for (Double[] point : linePoints) {

/* math function */
public static double f(double x){
    return x*Math.sin(x);

static int depth = 6; /* 8 */
static double tolerance = 0.005; /* just a guess */

/* Adaptive sampling algorithm */
/* mostly followed along 2st website and used 1st website variable names  */
public static void sampling(double xa, double xc, int depth, double tolerance){
    /* step (1) of 2nd website - determine mid-intervals */
    double xb = (xa+xc)/2;   /* (xc-xa)/2; tried these from 1st website - didn't work out */
    double xab = (xa+xb)/2;  /* (xb-xa)/2; */
    double xbc = (xb+xc)/2;  /* (xc-xb)/2; */

    /* evaluate the above points using math function - store in array */
    double[] points = new double[5];
    points[0] = f(xa); points[1] = f(xab); points[2] = f(xb); points[3] = f(xbc); points[4] = f(xc);

    /* step (2) of 2nd website */
    if (depth <= 0){
        linePoints.add(new Double[]{xa, points[0]});  /* either I comment out this line for dirty fix */
        linePoints.add(new Double[]{xab, points[1]});
        linePoints.add(new Double[]{xb, points[2]});
        linePoints.add(new Double[]{xbc, points[3]});
        linePoints.add(new Double[]{xc, points[4]});  /* or comment out this line */
    } else {
        /* step (3) of 2nd website */
        int counter = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < points.length-1; i++){
            /* Check if prev, current, next values are infinite or NaN */
            if (    (Double.isInfinite(points[i-1]) || Double.isNaN(points[i-1])) ||
                    (Double.isInfinite(points[i]) || Double.isNaN(points[i])) ||
                    (Double.isInfinite(points[i+1]) || Double.isNaN(points[i+1]))){

            /* Determine the fluctuations - if current is < or > both it's left/right neighbours */
            boolean middleLarger = (points[i] > points[i-1]) && (points[i] > points[i+1]);
            boolean middleSmaller = (points[i] < points[i-1]) && (points[i] < points[i+1]);

            if (middleLarger || middleSmaller){

        if (counter <= 2){  /* at most 2 */
            /* Newton-Cotes quadratures - check if smooth enough */
            double f1 = (3d/8d)*points[0]+(19d/24d)*points[1]-(5d/24d)*points[2]+(1d/24d)*points[3];    /* add 'd' to end of number, otherwise get 0 always */
            double f2 = (5d/12d)*points[2]+(2d/3d)*points[3]-(1d/12d)*points[4];

         if (Math.abs(f1-f2) < tolerance * f2){
                linePoints.add(new Double[]{xa, points[0]});
                linePoints.add(new Double[]{xab, points[1]});
                linePoints.add(new Double[]{xb, points[2]});
                linePoints.add(new Double[]{xbc, points[3]});
                linePoints.add(new Double[]{xc, points[4]});
            } else {
                /* not smooth enough - needs more refinement */
                tolerance *= 2;
                sampling(xa, xb, depth, tolerance);
                sampling(xb, xc, depth, tolerance);

        } else {
            /* else (count > 2), that means further splittings are needed to produce more accurate samples */
            tolerance *= 2;
            sampling(xa, xb, depth, tolerance);
            sampling(xb, xc, depth, tolerance);

FIX - 修改我的代码

查看 Gene 的示例并将公差乘以 0.5 而不是 2 似乎解决了问题 (2)

Genes 示例是该算法的更好、更清晰的实现,并处理重复的坐标



下面是更全面地使用现代 Java 功能的简化:

import static java.lang.Double.compare;
import static java.lang.Double.isFinite;
import static java.lang.Math.PI;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import java.util.stream.DoubleStream;

public class AdaptivePlot {
  private final DoubleUnaryOperator f;
  private final double a;
  private final double c;
  private final SortedSet<Point> plot = new TreeSet<>((s, t) -> compare(s.x, t.x));

  public AdaptivePlot(DoubleUnaryOperator f, double a, double c) {
    this.f = f;
    this.a = a;
    this.c = c;

  public static class Point {
    final double x, y;
    public Point(double x, double y) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;

  public AdaptivePlot computePlot(int depth, double eps) {
    Point pa = pointAt(a);
    Point pc = pointAt(c);
    computePlot(pa, pc, depth, eps);
    return this;

  public List<Point> getPlot() {
    return plot.stream().collect(toList());

  private Point pointAt(double x) {
    return new Point(x, f.applyAsDouble(x));

  private void computePlot(Point pa, Point pc, int depth, double eps) {
    Point pb = pointAt(0.5 * (pa.x + pc.x));
    Point pa1 = pointAt(0.5 * (pa.x + pb.x));
    Point pb1 = pointAt(0.5 * (pb.x + pc.x));
    if (depth > 0 && 
        (oscillates(pa.y, pa1.y, pb.y, pb1.y, pc.y) 
            || unsmooth(pa.y, pa1.y, pb.y, pb1.y, pc.y, eps))) {
      computePlot(pa, pb, depth - 1, 2 * eps);
      computePlot(pb, pc, depth - 1, 2 * eps);

  private static boolean oscillates(
      double ya, double ya1, double yb, double yb1, double yc) {
    return isOscillation(ya, ya1, yb) 
        && isOscillation(ya1, yb, yb1) 
        && isOscillation(yb, yb1, yc);

  private static boolean isOscillation(double ya, double yb, double yc) {
    return !isFinite(ya) || !isFinite(yb) || !isFinite(yc) 
        || (yb > ya && yb > yc) || (yb < ya && yb < yc);

  private static boolean unsmooth(
      double ya, double ya1, double yb, double yb1,double yc, double eps) {
    double y0 = DoubleStream.of(ya, ya1, yb, yb1, yc).min().getAsDouble();
    double [] yg = DoubleStream.of(ya, ya1, yb, yb1, yc).map(y -> y - y0).toArray();
    double q4 = quadrature(yg[0], yg[1], yg[2], yg[3]);
    double q3 = quadrature(yg[2], yg[3], yg[4]);
    return Math.abs(q4 - q3) > eps * q3;

  private static double quadrature(double y0, double y1, double y2, double y3) {
    return 3d/8d * y0 + 19d/24d * y1 - 5d/24d * y2 + 1d/24d * y3;

  private static double quadrature(double y0, double y1, double y2) {
    return 5d/12d * y0 + 2d/3d * y1 - 1d/12d * y2;

  public static void main(String [] args) {
    List<Point> plot = new AdaptivePlot(x -> x * Math.sin(x), -2d * PI, 2d * PI)
        .computePlot(6, 0.005).getPlot();
    for (Point p : plot) {
      System.out.println(p.x + "\t" + p.y);




Subdivide left, middle, right:
    if DistancePointLine (middle, f(middle)), (left, f(left)), (right, f(right)) < Tolerance:
        DrawLine (left, f(left), (right, f(right))
        Subdivide left, (left + middle) / 2, middle
        Subdivide middle, (middle + right) / 2, right
