如何使用 Flutter 执行 Firebase 可变事务数据?

How to perform Firebase Mutable Transaction Data with Flutter?

我有 Swift 代码,我在某些条件下减少或增加 int 值。我如何用 Flutter 复制它?这是我的 Swift 代码..

//  2.  Decrease Value -= from NumberOnes
let decreaseRef = self.ref.child("NumberOnes/\(myfav1)/Value")
decreaseRef.runTransactionBlock { (currentData: FIRMutableData) -> FIRTransactionResult in
    if var data = currentData.value as? Int
        var count = data
        count -= 1
        data = count
        currentData.value = data
        return FIRTransactionResult.success(withValue: currentData)
    return FIRTransactionResult.success(withValue: currentData)

此外,如果有 documentation/tutorials 的内容,请指出。

* 更新 *

这是我的 Flutter 代码...

fb.child('UserVideo/${userid}/Vid1').onValue.listen((Event event){
        if (event.snapshot != null){
          final vidID = event.snapshot.value["videoID"];
          fb.child('NumberOnes/${vidID}/Value').onValue.listen((Event newEvent){
            int vidValue = newEvent.snapshot.value;
            //vidValue = value;
            final value = vidValue--;

              'Value': value,


我的 Flutter 代码的问题是它不会停止减少。有解决办法吗?


基本上,我将值隔离一次,对其进行操作,然后使用新信息更新节点。我认为这比 Firebase Swift SDK 中将快照值作为 MutableData 返回的 runTransactionBlock 效率低得多。如果将来有人找到解决方法,请添加答案。

if (vidRank == 1) {
  var event = await fb.child('UserVideo/${userid}/Vid1').once();
  if (event.snapshot != null){
    var vid1id = event.snapshot.value['videoID'].toString();
    var onesEvent = await fb.child('NumberOnes/${vid1id}').once();
    if (onesEvent.snapshot != null){
      var onesValue = (onesEvent.snapshot.value['Value'] as int);
      final vidValue = onesValue - 1;
      print("Inside  ${vidValue}");
        'Value': vidValue