jre/lib/ext 删除的 Jarsigner 问题

Jarsigner issue with jre/lib/ext removal


在 Java 9.

中删除了 jre/lib/ext

我的问题是我使用的是 Jarsigner,在以前的 Java 版本中,它在 jre/lib/ext 文件夹中找到了我的提供程序 jar。

jarsigner -tsa timestamp.digicert.com -verbose -keystore NONE -storetype PKCS11 
      -storepass null -providername <MY_PROVIDER_NAME> <JAR_FILE> <CERTIFICATE_NAME> 


changes to the installed JDK/JRE image 带来运行时图像,其中包含目录,包括 -

conf — contains .properties, .policy, and other kinds of files intended to be edited by developers, deployers, and end users. These files were formerly found in the lib directory or its subdirectories.

JDK9 中的 java.security 文件(位于 .../Home/conf/security 下)在默认提供者列表中列出了 SunPKCS11 提供者


#SunPKCS11 Configuration under the reference guide details out how to add provider which is present in the jdk.crypto.cryptoki JDK.


因此,理想情况下,也不需要在 Java9 中配置 sunpkcs11 提供程序的路径。

要添加提供商如何捆绑到模块中的示例,请从 JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images

Security-policy files and other uses of the CodeSource API can use jrt URLs to name specific modules for the purpose of granting permissions. The elliptic-curve cryptography provider, e.g., can now be identified by the jrt URL


Other modules that are currently granted all permissions but do not actually require them can trivially be de-privileged, i.e., given precisely the permissions they require.


需要执行以下操作(仅指定 Java9 的新内容):

按照第 4 步添加模块声明:

module com.foo.MyProvider {
    provides java.security.Provider with p.MyProvider;
    requires java.security.jgss;

当 运行使用模块路径 运行 连接 Jarsigner 运行 时:

jarsigner -J--module-path -J<PATH_TO_PROVIDER_JAR> -J--add-modules -J<MODULE_NAME>
-tsa timestamp.digicert.com -verbose -keystore NONE -storetype PKCS11 -storepass null -providername <MY_PROVIDER_NAME> <JAR_FILE> <CERTIFICATE_NAME>