
Skip navigation menu with links to different pages?

我们目前正在更新我们的网站以符合 ADA 要求,并希望在主要着陆页上实施跳过导航菜单。该菜单将提供指向 "Login," "Main Content," 和 "Footer." 的跳过导航链接 该业务提供三种主要服务,每种服务都有自己的着陆页。我正在努力解决的问题是,在跳过导航菜单中提供两个额外的链接以将用户重定向到其他两个业务服务登录页面是否有用或合适?


"Skip links are internal page links which aid navigation around the current page, rather than to completely new pages. They are mainly used by screen reader users for bypassing or 'skipping' over repetitive web page content."



Is it useful or appropriate to offer two additional links in the skip navigation menu that redirect users to the two other business service landing pages?

虽然没有任何 WCAG 规则禁止,但混合锚链接和内部链接可能会给用户体验带来混乱。很难为导航菜单找到一个正确的替代名称。