
How to work once setTimeout function that in keypress function

我希望我的按键功能在每次按下时都能正常工作,但 setTimeout 不起作用。这是我的 html 和脚本;


    <div  id="fake" class="full-height col-md-3 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
        <div class="nav-right">
            <div class="form-search">
                <input  id="fake-search" onkeypress="dialogTrigger(event)" class="fake-search" type="text" />


function dialogTrigger(event) {
    var keyboardInput = event.which;
    keyboardInput = keyboardInput + 5;
    var changedInput = String.fromCharCode(keyboardInput);
    $("#fake-search").val($("#fake-search").val() + changedInput);
    setTimeout(function () {
       doSomething(); // about html
    }, 10000);

你需要决定逻辑是什么。如果这个想法是限制一个对话框在 10 秒后打开一次,那么你需要做这样的事情

var to;
function dialogTrigger(event) {
    var keyboardInput = event.which;
    keyboardInput = keyboardInput + 5;
    var changedInput = String.fromCharCode(keyboardInput);
    $("#fake-search").val($("#fake-search").val() + changedInput);

    // The line below will only start the timer if none exists;

    to = to || setTimeout(function () {
       doSomething(); // about html
    }, 10000);


 var to;
    function dialogTrigger(event) {
        var keyboardInput = event.which;
        keyboardInput = keyboardInput + 5;
        var changedInput = String.fromCharCode(keyboardInput);
        $("#fake-search").val($("#fake-search").val() + changedInput);

        // The line below clear any existing timeout and start a new one

        if (to) clearTimeout(to);
        to =  setTimeout(function () {
           doSomething(); // about html
        }, 10000);

注意 10000ms 大约是 10 秒