是否可以使用打字稿编译器 API 将评论作为 AST 中的节点获取?

Is it possible to get comments as nodes in the AST using the typescript compiler API?


var program = ts.createProgram(files, {
    target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, removeComments: false
ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, visit);

function visit(node) {
    if (node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia){
        //print something
    ts.forEachChild(node, visit);


//test comment
declare namespace myLib {
    //another comment
    function makeGreeting(s: string): string;
    let numberOfGreetings: number;

无法以节点形式获取注释,但仍然可以从源文件中获取注释。要使用的函数是 getLeadingCommentRanges(text: string, pos: number).


for(var sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()){
        ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, visit);

function visit(node: ts.Node){
    const commentRanges = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(
    if (commentRange?.length)
        const commentStrings:string[] = 

注意:sourceFile.getFullText() 不会跳过前导评论,sourceFile.getText() 会跳过前导评论。在上面的用例中使用 .getTextapparently a common source of errors.

如果您使用 jsDoc 风格的注释,例如

export const myConst = {
   * My property description
  myProp: 'test prop',


例如 extractWithComment 将 return

  name: 'myProp',
  comment: 'My property description',
  type: 'string'

import * as ts from 'typescript';

export function extractWithComment(fileNames: string[], options: ts.CompilerOptions): void {
  const program = ts.createProgram(fileNames, options);
  const checker: ts.TypeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();

  for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
    if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
      ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, visit);

  function visit(node: ts.Node) {
    const count = node.getChildCount()

    if (count > 0) {
      ts.forEachChild(node, visit);

    if (ts.isPropertyAssignment(node) && node.name) {
      const symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node.name);
      if (symbol) {
        return serializeSymbol(symbol)

  function serializeSymbol(symbol: ts.Symbol) {
    return {
      name: symbol.getName(),
      comment: ts.displayPartsToString(symbol.getDocumentationComment(checker)),
      type: checker.typeToString(
        checker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol, symbol.valueDeclaration!)