
compiler failed to apply explicit conversion to an expression used as a condition


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
class Sales{
    Sales(int i = 0):i(i){}
    explicit operator int(){ return i; }
    int i;

int main(){
  Sales s(5);
  if(s == 4) cout << "s == 4" << endl;
  else cout << "s != 4" << endl;
  return 0;

在c++ primer(5th)中,它说:

compiler will apply an explicit conversion to an expression used as a condition

但在这种情况下,没有这种转换。 当我删除 explicit 时,代码可以正常工作。

explicit operator int(){ return i; }
explicit operator bool(){ return i != 0; }

并分别将 if(s == 4) 更改为 if(s),然后代码可以正常工作。


implicit conversions, since C++11, the explicit user-defined conversion function will be considered for contextual conversions之中;这发生在以下上下文中,并且需要类型 bool 时。对于 int,它不适用。

In the following five contexts, the type bool is expected and the implicit conversion sequence is built if the declaration bool t(e); is well-formed. that is, the explicit user-defined conversion function such as explicit T::operator bool() const; is considered. Such expression e is said to be contextually convertible to bool.

controlling expression of if, while, for;
the logical operators !, && and ||;
the conditional operator ?:;