Laravel Echo 错误处理(使用 Pusher)

Laravel Echo error handling (with Pusher)

有关于这个主题的指南吗?我已经阅读了 pusher documentation 并且使用类似于以下的代码来管理断开连接似乎相当容易:

pusher.connection.bind('disconnected', function() {
    // Do Something


window.EchoConnection = new Echo({
    broadcaster: 'pusher',
    key: window.EchoKey,
    cluster: 'eu',
    encrypted: true

编辑:为了检查断开连接事件,运行 window.EchoConnection.connector.pusher.connection.disconnect() 在您的控制台

我还没有尝试过,但是根据 github 仓库,这应该适用于推送器:

window.EchoConnection 是一个 Echo Object. When you create a new pusher instance with echo, the connector variable will be a PusherConnector:

if (this.options.broadcaster == 'pusher') {
   this.connector = new PusherConnector(this.options);

通过这个变量,您可以找到创建的 Pusher 实例:

connect(): void {
    this.pusher = new Pusher(this.options.key, this.options);


window.EchoConnection.connector.pusher.connection.bind('disconnected', function() {
    // Do Something