有什么方法可以在 java 中传递带有 2 个输入参数的函数?

any way to pass a function with 2 input params in java?

我如何在 java 中传递一个 Function 类对象,它获得 2 个或更多参数?


public String getSrcAfterWait(final By by) {
    String currentSrc;
    try {
        currentSrc = tryToGetSrc(by);

    } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex)
        currentSrc = tryToGetSrc(by);
    return currentSrc;

private String tryToGetSrc(By by) {
    WebElement webElement = getElementAfterWaitForDisplay2(by);
    String currentSrc = null;
    if (webElement != null) {
        currentSrc = webElement.getAttribute("src");
    return currentSrc;

private String tryToGetText(final By by) {
    String currentSrc = null;
    WebElement webElement = getElementAfterWaitForDisplay2(by);
    if (webElement != null) {
        currentSrc = webElement.getText();
    return currentSrc;

public String getButtonTextAfterWait(final By by) {
    String currentText;
    try {
        currentText = tryToGetText(by);

    } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex)
        currentText = tryToGetText(by);
    return currentText;


public <T,V> V tryGetAttribute(final By by, Function<T,V> getFunc) {
    WebElement webElement = getElementAfterWaitForDisplay2(by);
    V answer = null;
    if (webElement != null) {
        try {
            answer = getFunc.apply(webElement, getFunc);//
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return answer;

public String getButtonTextAfterWait(final By by) {
    String currentText;
    Function<WebElement, String> getFunc = webElement -> webElement.getText();
    try {
        currentText = tryGetAttribute(by, getFunc);

    } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) {
        currentText = tryGetAttribute(by, getFunc);
    return currentText;

但我看不出有什么方法可以传递具有 2 个输入参数的函数。





如果您需要更多论据;是什么阻止您简单地创建自己的 "TripleFunction",等等?

另一种选择是定义一个新的 class,它结合了您必须传递的 two/three/... 参数。