
R read data set which has unequal column

我有一个 .csv 数据集,由“,”分隔,大约有 5,000 行和“5”列。




因此,当我尝试用 read_delim() 读取它时,它会抛出 warnings,但结果应该没问题,例如:

Warning: 7 parsing failures.

row # A tibble: 5 x 5 col row col expected actual file expected actual 1 309 5 columns 8 columns 'data/my_data.csv' file 2 523 5 columns 7 columns 'data/my_data.csv' row 3 588 5 columns 8 columns 'data/my_data.csv' col 4 1661 5 columns 9 columns 'data/my_data.csv' expected 5 1877 5 columns 7 columns 'data/my_data.csv'


我想我可以使用 read_Lines() 并一个一个地处理它,然后将它们变成一个数据框。


1) read.table with fill=TRUE 使用 fill=TRUE with read.table 没有警告:

Lines <- "2660,11-01-2016,70.75,05-06-2013,I,,,

# replace text = Lines with your filename    
read.table(text = Lines, sep = ",", fill = TRUE)


    V1         V2    V3         V4 V5 V6 V7 V8
1 2660 11-01-2016 70.75 05-06-2013  I NA NA NA
2 4080 26-02-2016 59.36             D NA NA NA

2) 用分号替换第 4 个逗号 另一种方法是:

# replace textConnection(Lines) with your filename
L <- readLines(textConnection(Lines))
for(i in 1:4) L <- sub(",", ";", L)
read.table(text = L, sep = ";")


    V1         V2    V3         V4   V5
1 2660 11-01-2016 70.75 05-06-2013 I,,,
2 4080 26-02-2016 59.36               D

3) 去掉行尾的逗号 另一种可能是去掉行尾的逗号。 (如果你在 Windows 上,那么 sed 在 Rtools 发行版中。)

read.table(pipe("sed -e s/,*$// readtest.csv"), sep = ",")


    V1         V2    V3         V4 V5
1 2660 11-01-2016 70.75 05-06-2013  I
2 4080 26-02-2016 59.36             D

3a) 类似于 (3) 但没有 sed

# replace textConnection(Lines) with your filename
L <- readLines(textConnection(Lines))
read.table(text = sub(",*$", "", L), sep = ",")