console application如何添加in Windows 10 core out package?

How can console application Add in Windows 10 core out package?

console application如何添加到Windows 10 core out package中?添加Console application作为.ffu镜像的一部分。 有什么方法可以将此控制台“.exe”转换为 .appx 包或任何其他可以成为 IOT 映像一部分的包? 如何添加显示控制台 UI 的启动控制台应用程序?

控制台应用程序受支持,但显然仅在 C++ 中。 Windows IoT Core 可以配置为 Headed or Headless Mode.Headed mode is defined by the presence of UI,but console app has no gui, it is a command line based executable application.So, you can not add a console application as a startup with console UI displayed. But you can create a Background Application,and then add in *.ffu image, please refer to this guide